Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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BP 3: Biopolymers, Biomaterials and Bioinspired Functional Materials (joint session CPP/BP)
Montag, 16. März 2020, 09:30–11:15, ZEU 114
09:30 |
BP 3.1 |
Dichroic FTIR spectrocopy on recombinant spider silk films at texturised silicon substrates — Mirjam Hofmaier, Birgit Urban, Sarah Lentz, Thomas Scheibel, Andreas Fery, and •Martin Müller
09:45 |
BP 3.2 |
Keratin films from human nail and hair as artificial nail plate model — •Kim Thomann, Andreas Späth, and Rainer H. Fink
10:00 |
BP 3.3 |
Tracing the film formation of biotemplated titania nanostructures during spray coating with in situ GIXS techniques — •Julian E. Heger, Wei Chen, Calvin J. Brett, Wiebke Ohm, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
10:15 |
BP 3.4 |
Structural and physical properties of Cellulose/Silver nanoparticle multi-layer film by layer-by-layer deposition — Qing Chen, •Andrei Chumakov, Calvin Brett, Anton Plech, Peng Zhang, and Stephan Roth
10:30 |
BP 3.5 |
Self-assembly of aligned cellulose nanofibrils during gel drying — •Ariane Suzzoni, Calvin Jay Brett, Susumu Yada, Korneliya Gordeyeva, Stephan Volkher Roth, and Daniel Söderberg
10:45 |
BP 3.6 |
Wrinkling instability in 3D active nematics — Tobias Struebing, Amir Khosravanizadeh, Andrej Vilfan, Eberhard Bodenschatz, Ramin Golestanian, and •Isabella Guido
11:00 |
BP 3.7 |
Viscoelastic AFM characterization of the S2 layer of wood pulp fibers — •Caterina Czibula, Christian Ganser, Tristan Seidlhofer, Ulrich Hirn, and Christian Teichert