09:30 |
BP 33.1 |
Protein Short-Time Diffusion in a Naturally Crowded Environment — Marco Grimaldo, Hender Lopez, •Christian Beck, Olga Matsarskaia, Felix Roosen-Runge, Martine Moulin, Juliette Devos, Valerie Laux, Michael Hartlein, Stefano Da Vela, Ralf Schweins, Alessandro Mariani, Fajun Zhang, Jean-Louis Barrat, Martin Oettel, V. Trevor Forsyth, Tilo Seydel, and Frank Schreiber
09:45 |
BP 33.2 |
Conformational Changes of IDP under Influence of Guanidinium Chloride: Integrative Approach using X-ray/Neutron Scattering and Single Molecule Spectrosopy — •Luman Haris, Livia Balacescu, Iwo König, Martin Dulle, Aurel Radulescu, Ingo Hoffmann, Tobias Erich Schrader, Ben Schuler, and Andreas Maximilian Stadler
10:00 |
BP 33.3 |
Electronic Quantum Coherence in Photosynthetic Protein Complexes — •Hong-Guang Duan, Ajay Jha, Vandana Tiwari, Richard J. Cogdell, Khuram Ashraf, Valentyn I. Prokhorenko, Michael Thorwart, and R. J. Dwayne Miller
10:15 |
BP 33.4 |
Following the formation of PYP’s photocycle intermediates on a femtosecond to millisecond timescale with a site-specific IR label — •Larissa Blankenburg, Luuk J.G.W. van Wilderen, and Jens Bredenbeck
10:30 |
BP 33.5 |
Atomistic ensembles of proteins and soft matter complexes from MD simulations and solution scattering data — Milos T Ivanovic, Markus R Hermann, and •Jochen S Hub
11:00 |
30 min. coffee break
11:30 |
BP 33.6 |
van der Waals Forces in Biomolecular Systems: from Solvation to Long-range Interaction Mechanisms — •Martin Stöhr and Alexandre Tkatchenko
11:45 |
BP 33.7 |
Investigating the conformational ensembles of intrinsically-disordered proteins with a simple physics-based model — •Yani Zhao, Robinson Cortes-Huerto, Kurt Kremer, and Joseph F. Rudzinski
12:00 |
BP 33.8 |
Comparison of continuous and discrete Markov models of biomolecular dynamics — •Benjamin Lickert and Gerhard Stock
12:15 |
BP 33.9 |
Hybrid Kinetic Monte Carlo / Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bond Scissions in Proteins — •Benedikt Rennekamp and Frauke Gräter
12:30 |
BP 33.10 |
Watching an enzyme at work: Time-Resolved Serial Crystallography reveals water mediated allosteric regulation — •Henrike Müller-Werkmeister
12:45 |
BP 33.11 |
Control of (bio)nanoparticles with external fields — •Jannik Lübke, Lena Worbs, Armando Estillore, Amit Kumar Samanta, and Jochen Küpper