Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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BP 37: Systems Biology, Evolution and Neural Networks I
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–17:30, ZEU 250
15:00 |
BP 37.1 |
Growth, death, and adaptation of bacterial cells: a quantitative analysis — •Ulrich Gerland
15:30 |
BP 37.2 |
Ruggedness and accessibility in tradeoff induced landscapes — •Suman Das and Joachim Krug
15:45 |
BP 37.3 |
Sequence selection of oligonucleotides under a ligation chain reaction — •Patrick Kudella and Dieter Braun
16:00 |
BP 37.4 |
Ligation Chain Reactions in Non-Equilibrium Convection Compartments with Microscale pH Cycles — •Annalena Salditt and Dieter Braun
16:15 |
15 min. coffee break
16:30 |
BP 37.5 |
Collective dynamics shape drug resistance evolution in dense cellular populations — •Jona Kayser, Carl Schreck, and Oskar Hallatschek
16:45 |
BP 37.6 |
The effects of cross-species gene transfer on genome dynamics — •Mona Förster, Isabel Rathmann, Jeffrey Power, Viera Kovacova, Michael Lässig, and Berenike Maier
17:00 |
BP 37.7 |
Genetically engineered control of phenotypic structure in microbial colonies — •Philip Bittihn, Andriy Didovyk, Lev S. Tsimring, and Jeff Hasty
17:15 |
BP 37.8 |
Gene Expression Dynamics Determine Toxin Driven Bacterial Competition — •Alexandra Götz, Anna Weiß, Benedikt von Bronk, Andreas Mader, and Madeleine Opitz