Dresden 2020 – scientific programme
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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 107: Emerging Topics in Chemical and Polymer Physics, New Instruments and Methods
CPP 107.4: Talk
Friday, March 20, 2020, 10:30–10:45, ZEU 255
Operando observation of reaction intermediates above one atmosphere under Fischer-Tropsch conditions — •Patrick Lömker1, Kevin Ploner3, Mikhail Shipilin2, Jörgen Gladh2, Norbert Köpfle3, Thomas Götsch4, Heshmat Noei1, Christoph Schlueter1, Anders Nielsson2, and Peter Amann2 — 1Photon Science, DESY, 22607 Hamburg — 2Department of Physics, Stockholm University, 10691 Stockholm — 3Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck — 4Fritz Haber Institute, Inorganic Chemistry, 14195 Berlin
The quest for a sustainable future poses challenges, especially with regard to the storage and distribution of fuels. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and can be part of a sensible production for these fuels. Yet literature detailing the reaction mechanisms is lacking.
As seen by many publications XPS can address the reaction mechanisms in question. However, combining ultra-high vacuum, required for XPS and high pressures above atmosphere have posed significant technical challenges.
We use an instrument designed at Stockholm University utilizing a virtual cell concept, directing a gas flow on the surface to increases the pressure, while minimizing the electron scattering in gas. This instrument is now in operation at the new HAXPES beamline P22 at PETRA III. We present data of CO:H2 with pressure up to 1025 mbar on a Co(0001) crystal. Intermediates and adsorbed species were identified under the reaction. We clearly observe a transition in the adsorbed species between 500-1000mbar – in line with recent literature.