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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 24: Poster Session I
CPP 24.41: Poster
Montag, 16. März 2020, 17:30–19:30, P3
Analysis of liquid distribution in micro-channel systems using the electro-hydraulic analogy — •Marius Pätzold1, Felix Senf1, Carl Krill2 und Othmar Marti1 — 1Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Ulm — 2Institut für funktionelle Nanosysteme, Ulm
The research program investigates the calculation of leakages in hydraulic systems by modelling the systems using electric resistor networks as an alternative to simulations using computational fluid dynamics. Based on a rigid geometry, describing a network of channels with rectangular cross sections of constant height, the hydraulic properties of the network are examined. The system is then modelled using an electric resistor network using these hydraulic properties. For a given pressure drop between the in- and outlets the model can be solved and the leakages can be calculated using the modified nodal analysis. The results show that modelling the geometry this way can be an alternative to simulations using computational fluid dynamics within the requirements set by the electric-hydraulic analogy. Modelling hydraulic networks that are not within these requirements, like those with very short channels or highly complex channel networks, results in errors spreading through the network resulting in significant differences between the modelling and simulation approach.