Mo, 09:30–11:40 |
HSZ 105 |
DS 1: Focus: Diamond Technology and Electronics (joint session KFM/DS/HL) |
Mo, 09:30–11:00 |
CHE 89 |
DS 2: Focus Session: Topological Phenomena in Synthetic Matter I (joint session DS/O) |
Mo, 09:30–10:30 |
CHE 91 |
DS 3: Thin Film Applications I |
Mo, 09:30–13:00 |
POT 81 |
DS 4: 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures I (joint session HL/DS/O) |
Mo, 10:30–12:45 |
GER 38 |
DS 5: Frontiers in Electronic-Structure Theory - Focus on Electron-Phonon Interactions I (joint session O/CPP/DS/HL) |
Mo, 10:45–12:00 |
CHE 91 |
DS 6: Thin Film Applications II |
Mo, 11:15–12:15 |
CHE 89 |
DS 7: Focus Session: Topological Phenomena in Synthetic Matter II (joint session DS/O) |
Mo, 15:00–16:30 |
CHE 89 |
DS 8: Layer Deposition I: Inorganic Thin Films |
Mo, 15:00–16:15 |
CHE 91 |
DS 9: Optical Analysis of Thin Films |
Mo, 15:00–17:30 |
GER 38 |
DS 10: Frontiers in Electronic-Structure Theory - Focus on Electron-Phonon Interactions II (joint session O/CPP/DS/HL) |
Mo, 15:00–18:30 |
POT 81 |
DS 11: 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures II (joint session HL/DS) |
Mo, 16:30–17:45 |
CHE 91 |
DS 12: Thermoelectric and Phase Change Materials |
Mo, 16:45–18:00 |
CHE 89 |
DS 13: Layer Deposition II: Deposition Methods |
Di, 09:30–11:30 |
CHE 89 |
DS 14: 2D Materials and their Heterostructures I (joint session DS/HL/O) |
Di, 09:30–11:00 |
CHE 91 |
DS 15: Organic Thin Films, Organic-Inorganic Interfaces I (joint session DS/CPP) |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
POT 81 |
DS 16: 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures III (joint session HL/DS) |
Di, 11:15–12:45 |
CHE 91 |
DS 17: Organic Thin Films, Organic-Inorganic Interfaces II (joint session DS/CPP) |
Di, 11:45–13:00 |
CHE 89 |
DS 18: Transport Properties |
Di, 14:00–16:00 |
POT 81 |
DS 19: 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures IV (joint session HL/DS/O) |
Mi, 09:30–11:00 |
CHE 89 |
DS 20: Focus Session: Organic-based Hybrid Thermoelectrics I |
Mi, 09:30–10:45 |
CHE 91 |
DS 21: Layer Properties I: Electronic Properties |
Mi, 09:30–13:00 |
POT 81 |
DS 22: 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures V (joint session HL/DS/O) |
Mi, 10:30–13:30 |
GER 38 |
DS 23: Frontiers in Electronic-Structure Theory - Focus on Electron-Phonon Interactions III (joint session O/CPP/DS/HL) |
Mi, 11:00–12:30 |
CHE 91 |
DS 24: Layer Properties II: Optical Properties |
Mi, 11:15–12:45 |
CHE 89 |
DS 25: Focus Session: Organic-based Hybrid Thermoelectrics II |
Mi, 15:00–17:30 |
GER 38 |
DS 26: Frontiers in Electronic-Structure Theory - Focus on Electron-Phonon Interactions IV (joint session O/CPP/DS/HL) |
Mi, 15:00–18:15 |
POT 81 |
DS 27: Focus Session: Functional Metal Oxides for Novel Applications and Devices I (joint session HL/DS) |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 28: Poster: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 29: Poster: 2D Materials and their Heterostructures |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 30: Poster: Organic Thin Films and Thin Oxides |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 31: Poster: Layer Deposition and Layer Properties |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 32: Poster: Optical Analysis of Thin Films |
Mi, 15:00–18:00 |
P1A |
DS 33: Poster: Thin Films: Applications, Transport and Phase Change Materials |
Mi, 18:15–19:15 |
CHE 91 |
DS 34: Annual General Meeting of the Thin Films Division |
Do, 09:30–10:45 |
CHE 89 |
DS 35: 2D Materials and their Heterostructures II (joint session DS/HL/O) |
Do, 09:30–10:45 |
CHE 91 |
DS 36: Thin Oxides and Oxide Layers I (joint session DS/HL/O) |
Do, 09:30–13:00 |
POT 81 |
DS 37: Focus Session: Functional Metal Oxides for Novel Applications and Devices II (joint session HL/DS) |
Do, 11:00–12:30 |
CHE 89 |
DS 38: 2D Materials and their Heterostructures III (joint session DS/HL) |
Do, 11:00–12:30 |
CHE 91 |
DS 39: Thin Oxides and Oxide Layers II (joint session DS/HL) |
Do, 15:00–16:30 |
CHE 89 |
DS 40: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition I |
Do, 15:00–17:30 |
GER 38 |
DS 41: Frontiers in Electronic-Structure Theory - Focus on Electron-Phonon Interactions V (joint session O/CPP/DS/HL) |
Do, 15:00–16:30 |
POT 81 |
DS 42: Focus Session: Functional Metal Oxides for Novel Applications and Devices III (joint session HL/DS) |
Do, 16:45–18:15 |
CHE 89 |
DS 43: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition II |
Fr, 09:30–13:00 |
HSZ 04 |
DS 44: Magnetic Coupling and Anisotropy in Thin Films (joint session MA/DS) |
Fr, 09:30–11:00 |
CHE 89 |
DS 45: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition III |
Fr, 11:15–12:45 |
CHE 89 |
DS 46: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition IV |
Fr, 14:00–14:45 |
HSZ 02 |
DS 47: Overview Talk: Wiesendanger (joint session O/CPP/DS) |