15:00 |
DS 29.1 |
On the detection of hydrogenated cyclo[18]carbon by a graphene sheet — •Dominguez Gutierrez Francisco Javier, Martinez-Flores Cesar, Krstic Predrag, and Cabrera-Trujillo Remigio
15:00 |
DS 29.2 |
Charge signals in non-local spin measurements and how to avoid them — Frank Volmer, •Anne Schmidt, Timo Bißwanger, Christoph Stampfer, and Bernd Beschoten
15:00 |
DS 29.3 |
Spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy of twisted bilayer graphene — •Aaron Johannes Schäpers, Robin Joey Dolleman, and Christoph Stampfer
15:00 |
DS 29.4 |
Tunable spin-orbit coupling in bilayer graphene / WSe2 Heterostructures — •Julia Amann, Tobias Völkl, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Dieter Weiss, and Jonathan Eroms
15:00 |
DS 29.5 |
spectroscopy of 2D-metals hosted by epitaxial graphene — •Lassaunière Margaux, Nisi Katharina, Subramanian Shruti, Lambers Hendrik, Sigger Florian, Tiede David, Robinson Joshua, and Wurstbauer Ursula
15:00 |
DS 29.6 |
Impact of disorder and imperfections on the optical properties of TMDCs — •Hendrik Lambers, Julian Klein, Margaux Lassaunière, David O. Tiede, Katharina Nisi, Alexander Holleitner, and Ursula Wurstbauer
15:00 |
DS 29.7 |
Electron and exciton phonon interaction in gate tunable TMDC layers — •David O. Tiede, Hendrik Lambers, Margaux Lassaunière, Katharina Nisi, and Ursula Wurstbauer
15:00 |
DS 29.8 |
Scanning-probe-induced assembling of gold striations on mono- and bi-layered MoS2 on SiO2 — Felix Trillitzsch, Arkadiusz Janas, Alper Özogul, Christof Neumann, Antony George, Benedykt R. Jany, Franciszek Krok, Andrey Turchanin, and •Enrico Gnecco
15:00 |
DS 29.9 |
Dry-transfer of graphene and h-BN heterostructures onto hydrogen-terminated diamond — •Vasilis Dergianlis, Martin Geller, Dennis Oing, Nicolas Wöhrl, and Axel Lorke
15:00 |
DS 29.10 |
Optical characterization and transport measurements on 2D Films with the squeezable nanojunction technique — •Alexander Fuchs, Matthias A. Popp, and Heiko B. Weber