Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DS 3: Thin Film Applications I
Montag, 16. März 2020, 09:30–10:30, CHE 91
09:30 |
DS 3.1 |
Intrinsic oxygen vacancy driven universal 1/f noise behaviour of yttrium oxide-based Resistive Random Access Memory devices — •Eszter Piros, Martin Lonsky, Stefan Petzold, Jens Müller, and Lambert Alff
09:45 |
DS 3.2 |
Heavy ion irradiation effects on emerging memories: OxRAM, FeRAM and PCM — •Tobias Vogel, Nico Kaiser, Eszter Piros, Maximilian Lederer, Ricardo Olivo, Tarek Ali, Anna Lisa Serra, Thomas Kämpfe, Stefan Petzold, Gabriele Navarro, Christelle Charpin-Nicolle, Christina Trautmann, and Lambert Alff
10:00 |
DS 3.3 |
Simulation of resistive switching in HfOx based RRAM and the role of low temperature tetragonal and hexagonal hafnia phases in conductive switching — •Nico Kaiser, Stefan Petzold, Enrique Miranda, Alexander Zintler, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, and Lambert Alff
10:15 |
DS 3.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.