Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DS 40: Thin Film Properties: Structure, Morphology and Composition I
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–16:30, CHE 89
15:00 |
DS 40.1 |
Novel Type of Bent-Lattice Nanostructure in Crystallizing Amorphous Films: from Transrotational Crystals to Amorphous Models — •Vladimir Kolosov
15:15 |
DS 40.2 |
Evaluation of atomically-resolved high-resolution TEM images of Di-and Tri- Re molecules @ SWNT with convolutional neural networks — •Christopher Leist, Kecheng Cao, and Ute Kaiser
15:30 |
DS 40.3 |
Helium Ion Microscope (HIM) Imaging and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) depth profiling of sample cross sections — •Nico Klingner, René Heller, and Gregor Hlawacek
15:45 |
DS 40.4 |
Impurity-Enhanced Solid-State Amorphization and Its Influence on Thin Film Formation — •Koen van Stiphout
16:00 |
DS 40.5 |
Band Engineering in Photonic Crystals with multi-order Square Lattice — •Jiaxu Chen, Fanzhou Lv, Yudie Huang, Zhihang Wang, Shiyao Jia, Yi Wang, and Wenxin wang
16:15 |
DS 40.6 |
Band Engineering in Photonic Crystals with multi-order Square Lattice — •Chen jiaxu