Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DY 10: Graphene (jointly with DY, MA, HL, DS, O) (joint session TT/DY/HL)
Montag, 16. März 2020, 15:00–18:30, HSZ 201
15:00 |
DY 10.1 |
Edge state crossing behaviour in a multi-band tight-binding model of graphene — •Thorben Schmirander, Marta Prada, and Daniela Pfannkuche
15:15 |
DY 10.2 |
Graphene grain boundaries for strain sensing: a computational study — Delwin Perera and •Jochen Rohrer
15:30 |
DY 10.3 |
Virtual experiments on negative refraction across graphene pn junctions — •Wun-Hao Kang and Ming-Hao Liu
15:45 |
DY 10.4 |
Electronic properties in a Bernal bilayer graphene monitored by selective functionalization — •Ahmed Missaoui, Jouda khabthani, Didier Mayou, and Guy Trambly de Laissardière
16:00 |
DY 10.5 |
Zero-magnetic-field Hall effects in artificially corrugated bilayer graphene — •Sheng-Chin Ho, Ching-Hao Chang, Yu-Chiang Heish, Shun-Tsung Lo, Botsz Huang, Carmine Ortix, and Tse-Ming Chen
16:15 |
DY 10.6 |
Spin-caloritronic transport in hexagonal graphene nanodots — Thi Thu Phùng, Robert Peters, •Andreas Honecker, Guy Trambly de Laissardière, and Javad Vahedi
16:30 |
15 min. break.
16:45 |
DY 10.7 |
Lévy flights and Hydrodynamic Superdiffusion on the Dirac Cone of Graphene — •Egor Kiselev and Jörg Schmalian
17:00 |
DY 10.8 |
Gate-controllable graphene superlattices: Numerical aspects — •Szu-Chao Chen, Wun-Hao Kang, and Ming-Hao Liu
17:15 |
DY 10.9 |
Localization at the Van Hove singularity — •Peter Silvestrov and Jakub Tworzydlo
17:30 |
DY 10.10 |
The optical conductivity of strongly interacting Dirac fermions: a bosonization approach to the Kadanoff-Baym self-consistent resummation — •Sebastián Mantilla and Inti Sodemann
17:45 |
DY 10.11 |
Geometric-dissipative origin of the light-induced Hall current in graphene I — •Marlon Nuske, Lukas Broers, and Ludwig Mathey
18:00 |
DY 10.12 |
Geometric-dissipative origin of the light-induced Hall current in graphene II — •Lukas Broers, Marlon Nuske, and Ludwig Mathey
18:15 |
DY 10.13 |
Lightwave valleytronics in graphene — •Hamed Koochaki Kelardeh, Alexandra Landsman, and Takashi Oka