Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DY 12: Statistical Physics of Biological Systems I (joint session BP/DY)
Montag, 16. März 2020, 15:00–17:15, SCH A251
15:00 |
DY 12.1 |
Stability and diversity in random Lotka-Volterra systems with non-linear feedback — •Laura Sidhom and Tobias Galla
15:15 |
DY 12.2 |
Towards a grammar of probabilistic models for large biological networks — •Philipp Fleig and Ilya M. Nemenman
15:30 |
DY 12.3 |
Kauffman NK models interpolated between K=2 and K=3 — James E. Sullivan, Dmitry Nerukh, and •Jens Christian Claussen
15:45 |
DY 12.4 |
Density waves, jamming and dynamic arrest in growing microbial communities — •Oskar Hallatschek
16:15 |
15 min. coffee break
16:30 |
DY 12.5 |
Effect of alternating between sexual and asexual reproduction on the number of expected mating types in isogamous species — •Ernesto Berríos-Caro, George W. A. Constable, and Tobias Galla
16:45 |
DY 12.6 |
Selection via phase separation — •Giacomo Bartolucci, Yash Rana, Alexandra Kühnlein, Christof Mast, Dieter Braun, and Christoph A. Weber
17:00 |
DY 12.7 |
Coarse graining of biochemical systems described by discrete stochastic dynamics — •David Seiferth and Stefan Klumpp