Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DY 19: Nonequilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems 1 (joint session TT/DY)
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 09:30–13:00, HSZ 204
09:30 |
DY 19.1 |
Exponential damping in perturbed quantum many-body systems — •Jonas Richter, Fengping Jin, Lars Knipschild, Hans De Raedt, Kristel Michielsen, Jochen Gemmer, and Robin Steinigeweg
09:45 |
DY 19.2 |
Slow quantum thermalization and many body revivals from mixed phase space — •Alex Michailidis, Chris Turner, Dimitry Abanin, Zlatko Papic, and Maksym Serbyn
10:00 |
DY 19.3 |
Collective behavior of an excitonic insulator in the quantum electromagnetic field — •Katharina Lenk and Martin Eckstein
10:15 |
DY 19.4 |
A memory truncation scheme to investigate long-time dynamics in correlated systems — •Antonio Picano and Martin Eckstein
10:30 |
DY 19.5 |
Critical quenches in the attractive Hubbard model — •Christopher Stahl and Martin Eckstein
10:45 |
DY 19.6 |
Thermalization of a two-species condensate — •Jan Louw, Michael Kastner, and Johannes Kriel
11:00 |
DY 19.7 |
Exceptional points and the topology of quantum many-body spectra — •David Luitz and Francesco Piazza
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
DY 19.8 |
η–paired hidden phase in photodoped Mott insulators — •Jiajun Li, Denis Golez, Philipp Werner, and Martin Eckstein
11:45 |
DY 19.9 |
η-pairing in one-dimensional Mott insulators — •Satoshi Ejima, Tatsuya Kaneko, Florian Lange, Seiji Yunoki, and Holger Fehske
12:00 |
DY 19.10 |
Effect of dimensionality on the dynamics of optically excited Mott-Hubbard clusters — •Junichi Okamoto
12:15 |
DY 19.11 |
Disentangling sources of quantum entanglement in quench dynamics — •Lorenzo Pastori, Markus Heyl, and Jan Carl Budich
12:30 |
DY 19.12 |
Statistical localization: from strong fragmentation to strong edge modes — •Tibor Rakovszky, Pablo Sala, Ruben Verresen, Michael Knap, and Frank Pollmann
12:45 |
DY 19.13 |
Matrix product state investigations of time-dependent spectral functions after a photoexcitation — •Constantin Meyer and Salvatore R. Manmana