Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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DY 62: Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions
Freitag, 20. März 2020, 09:30–11:45, ZEU 118
09:30 |
DY 62.1 |
Quasiparticles as Detector of Topological Quantum Phase Transitions — •Sourav Manna, Srivatsa Nagara Srinivasa Prasanna, Julia Wildeboer, and Anne E. B. Nielsen
09:45 |
DY 62.2 |
Critical Exponents of the Ising Model in Three Dimensions with Long-range Correlated Site Disorder — •Stanislav Kazmin and Wolfhard Janke
10:00 |
DY 62.3 |
Exchange between two phases of confined water using deuteron two-dimensional exchange NMR — •Verena Fella and Michael Vogel
10:15 |
DY 62.4 |
Acceptance rate is a thermodynamic function in local Monte Carlo algorithms — Evgeni Burovski, •Wolfhard Janke, Maria Guskova, and Lev Shchur
10:30 |
DY 62.5 |
Lindemann melting criterion in two dimensions — •Sergey Khrapak
10:45 |
15 min. break.
11:00 |
DY 62.6 |
Fermionic Criticality Out-of-Equilibrium — •Bernhard Frank
11:15 |
DY 62.7 |
Bond-flip Monte Carlo based on exact results for the square lattice ± J Ising model — Jan Büddefeld and •Fred Hucht
11:30 |
DY 62.8 |
Detecting hidden and composite orders in layered models via machine learning — •Wojciech Rzadkowski, Nicolo Defenu, Silvia Chiacchiera, Andrea Trombettoni, and Giacomo Bighin