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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 41: Perovskite and photovoltaics III (joint session HL/CPP)
HL 41.7: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 11:30–11:45, POT 251
Enabling Versatile High-Efficiency Perovskite Photovoltaics by Charge-Selective Contact Design — •Amran Al-Ashouri1, Artiom Magomedov2, Marcel Roß1, Marko Jošt1, Martynas Talaikis3, Ganna Christiakova1, José M. Prieto1, Eike Köhnen1, Ernestas Kasparavičius2, Bernd Rech1, Tadas Malinauskas2, Thomas Unold1, Lars Korte1, Gediminas Niaura3, Vytautas Getautis2, and Steve Albrecht1 — 1HZB, Berlin, Germany — 2KTU, Kaunas, Lithuania — 3FTMC, Vilnius, Lithuania
By establishing a simple, low-cost and robust perovskite solar cell device structure that employs
self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) [1], we realized power conversion efficiencies of over 21 % for single junction cells,
over 23 % for CIGSe/perovskite and well over 27 % for silicon/perovskite tandem solar cells. Using time-resolved
and absolute photoluminescence spectroscopy together with an analysis of the energetic alignment between hole-selective contact and absorber,
we identify design guidelines for an hole-selective interface without non-radiative recombination losses. A SAM model system further allows to study
voltage and fill factor losses for an increased understanding of how to experimentally explore pathways towards theoretical efficiency limits.
[1] Al-Ashouri et al. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 3356