16:00 |
KFM 15.1 |
Defect physics in LiTaO3 — •Mike N. Piontek and Simone Sanna
16:00 |
KFM 15.2 |
Optimizing the electrocaloric effect in BaSrTiO3 with molecular dynamics simulations — •Aris Dimou, Ankita Biswas, and Anna Grünebohm
16:00 |
KFM 15.3 |
Spatially resolved excitation of luminescing self-trapped excitons in lithium niobate — •David Brinkmann, Andreas Krampf, and Mirco Imlau
16:00 |
KFM 15.4 |
Enhancement of grating recording with sub-ps, near-infrared laser pulses at 1.6 µm in iron-doped lithium niobate — •Janina Ringel, Bjoern Bourdon, Felix Freytag, Mirco Imlau, Alexandr Shumelyuk, and Serguey Odoulov
16:00 |
KFM 15.5 |
Clocking nonlinear optical frequency-mixing in disordered, polar nanoparticles — •Jan Klenen, Christian Kijatkin, Bjoern Bourdon, and Mirco Imlau
16:00 |
KFM 15.6 |
Light-induced absorption in Fe:LN by means of ns-pump supercontinuum-probe spectroscopy — •Bjoern Bourdon, Simon Messerschmidt, David Brinkmann, Andreas Krampf, Laura Vittadello, and Mirco Imlau
16:00 |
KFM 15.7 |
Wide-field real-time nonlinear optical microscope in living organism — •Niklas Bethke, Dustin Dzikonski, Laura Vittadello, and Mirco Imlau
16:00 |
KFM 15.8 |
Fs-pump-supercontinuum-probe absorption spectroscopy of small polarons in polar oxide crystals — •Anton Pfannstiel, Andreas Krampf, and Mirco Imlau
16:00 |
KFM 15.9 |
NV-center formation after femtosecond-laser pulse excitation — •Marie Kempkes, Tobias Zier, and Martin E. Garcia
16:00 |
KFM 15.10 |
Loss tangent measurements on an extremely large diamond disc for Brewster angle windows — •Andreas Meier, Gaetano Aiello, Theo Scherer, Sabine Schreck, Dirk Strauß, Christoph Wild, and Eckhard Wörner
16:00 |
KFM 15.11 |
Integration of physics instruments of the ITER EC Upper Launcher — •Peter Späh, Gaetano Aiello, Andreas Meier, Theo Scherer, Sabine Schreck, and Dirk Strauß
16:00 |
KFM 15.12 |
Flexible Liquid Crystal Elastomer Substrates for Coupling of Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators — •Pascal Rietz, Simon Woska, Osman Karayel, and Heinz Kalt
16:00 |
KFM 15.13 |
Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Zinc Oxide based Ring Resonators — •Timo Vullhorst, Nils Weber, and Cedrik Meier
16:00 |
KFM 15.14 |
Tunable coupling of Whispering Gallery Mode resonators by temperature regulated contraction of Liquid Crystal Elastomers — •Osman Karayel, Simon Woska, Roman Oberle, Pascal Rietz, and Heinz Kalt
16:00 |
KFM 15.15 |
Raman micro-spectroscopy of x-cut thin film lithium niobate periodically poled with high fidelity for integrated optics — •Sven Reitzig, Michael Rüsing, Benjamin Kirbus, Joshua Gössel, Zeeshan Amber, Jie Zhao, Shayan Mookherjea, and Lukas Eng
16:00 |
KFM 15.16 |
Mapping of Conductivity at Ferroelectric Domain Walls using Alternating Voltages — •Jan Schultheiß, Erik Lysne, Jakob Schaab, Edith Bourret, Zewu Yan, Stephan Krohns, Donald M. Evans, and Dennis Meier
16:00 |
KFM 15.17 |
3D Chemical Mapping of Nanostructural Features in Ferroelectrics by Atom Probe Tomography — •Kasper A. Hunnestad, Jan Schultheiß, Theodor S. Holstad, Antonius T. J. van Helvoort, and Dennis Meier
16:00 |
KFM 15.18 |
Ferrimagnetic oxide substrates in the synthesis of multiferroic heterostructures — •Thomas Ruf and Reinhard Denecke
16:00 |
KFM 15.19 |
Thermal investigation of nonlinear crystals for high power ultrashort MID-IR OPCPA pumped at 1 micrometer — Mahesh Namboodiri, •Gregor Indorf, Torsten Golz, Jan H. Buss, Michael Schulz, Robert Riedel, Tim Laarman, and Mark J. Prandolini
16:00 |
KFM 15.20 |
Current induced insulator-metal transition in Ca2RuO4 — •Konstantin Dietrich, Christoph Grams, Kevin Jenni, Markus Braden, and Joachim Hemberger
16:00 |
KFM 15.21 |
Laser-based inspection of technical dielectric thin films — •Simon Podendorf, Yannik Toschke, Jörg Rischmüller, Mirco Imlau, Mareike Schlag, Kai Brune, and Hauke Brüning
16:00 |
KFM 15.22 |
A supervised Machine Learning Approach for Shape sensitive Detector Pulse Discrimination in Positron Spectroscopy Applications — Danny Petschke and •Torsten Staab
16:00 |
KFM 15.23 |
Phase contrast imaging with sealed-tube sources — •Paul Meyer, Jasper Frohn, and Tim Salditt
16:00 |
KFM 15.24 |
Limitations of Quantitative Backscatter Electron Imaging at Low Voltages in the SEM — •Markus Löffler, Aránzazu Garitagoitia Cid, Rüdiger Rosenkranz, and Ehrenfried Zschech
16:00 |
KFM 15.25 |
Nano-Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 Solar Cells for Efficiency Improvement — •Sibylle Schwartmann, Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, Jens Keutgen, Mohit Raghuwanshi, and Matthias Wuttig
16:00 |
KFM 15.26 |
KTP Z- and Y-cut surface structures calculated from first-principles — •Sergej Neufeld and Wolf Gero Schmidt
16:00 |
KFM 15.27 |
Point defects in KTP calculated from first principles — •Adriana Bocchini, Sergej Neufeld, Uwe Gerstmann, and Wolf Gero Schmidt
16:00 |
KFM 15.28 |
Defect engineering in a single TiS3: A first-principles study — •Guy Moise Dongho-Nguimdo, Emmanuel l. Igumbor, Raji A. Tunde, Evans M. Benecha, and Enrico B. Lombardi
16:00 |
KFM 15.29 |
Machine Learning in VASP — •Ferenc Karsai, Ryosuke Jinnouchi, and Georg Kresse
16:00 |
KFM 15.30 |
Structural Investigations and Stacking Faults in the Quasi 2D van der Waals Layered Compound Ni2P2S6 — •Sebastian Selter, Adam P. Dioguardi, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Mihai-Ionut Sturza, Saicharan Aswartham, and Bernd Buechner