Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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KFM 6: Diamond
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 09:30–11:50, TOE 317
09:30 |
KFM 6.1 |
ECRH systems for nuclear fusion reactors — •Dirk Strauß, Theo Scherer, Sabine Schreck, Peter Späh, Andreas Meier, and Gaetano Aiello
09:50 |
KFM 6.2 |
Application of CVD Diamond disks for ECRH systems of fusion reactors — •Sabine Schreck, Gaetano Aiello, Andreas Meier, Theo Scherer, and Dirk Strauss
10:10 |
KFM 6.3 |
MPA CVD diamond in nuclear fusion: dielectric characterization and influence of defects — •Gaetano Aiello, Theo Scherer, Andreas Meier, Sabine Schreck, and Dirk Strauss
10:30 |
20 min. break
10:50 |
KFM 6.4 |
Fabrication of Thin Monocrystalline Diamond Membranes — •Julia Heupel, Johann Peter Reithmaier, and Cyril Popov
11:10 |
KFM 6.5 |
Immobilization of Proteins on Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Surfaces — •Daniel Merker, Daniela Bertinetti, Katrin Schröder, Monika Stengl, Friedrich Herberg, Johann Peter Reithmaier, and Cyril Popov
11:30 |
KFM 6.6 |
Physics of natural and artificial diamond gemstones — •Theo Andreas Scherer