09:30 |
MA 1.1 |
Accelerated evaluation of thermal conductivity via machine learning: A case study of two-dimensional (2D) BN — •Yixuan Zhang, Chen Shen, and Hongbin Zhang
09:45 |
MA 1.2 |
High-throughput Screening for Novel MAB Phases — •Chen Shen, Qiang Gao, and Hongbin Zhang
10:00 |
MA 1.3 |
Impact of the magnetic structure on the phase stability and functional properties of binary and ternary Mn alloys — •Ingo Opahle, Nuno Fortunato, Harish K. Singh, Qiang Gao, Oliver Gutfleisch, and Hongbin Zhang
10:15 |
MA 1.4 |
Electric field control of magnetism without currents: from experiments to ab-initio spectroscopy calculations. — •Eszter Simon, Alberto Marmodoro, Sergey Mankovsky, and Hubert Ebert
10:30 |
MA 1.5 |
Electric field control of magnetism through transverse currents: first-principles calculations on XAS/XMCD experiments. — Sergey Mankovsky, •Alberto Marmodoro, Eszter Simon, and Hubert Ebert
10:45 |
MA 1.6 |
Thermodynamics of the S=1/2 Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet — •Robin Schaefer, David Luitz, and Imre Hagymási
11:00 |
15 min. break.
11:15 |
MA 1.7 |
Robust first-principles scheme for extracting exchange interactions from full-potential electronic structure calculations — •Vladislav Borisov, Yaroslav O. Kvashnin, Patrik Thunström, Anders Bergman, Anna Delin, Manuel Pereiro, Erik Sjöqvist, Danny Thonig, and Olle Eriksson
11:30 |
MA 1.8 |
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction enhanced reorientation in Fe2W — •Balázs Nagyfalusi, László Udvardi, László Szunyogh, and Levente Rózsa
11:45 |
MA 1.9 |
Ab-initio study of phase transitions in Fe100-xAlx alloys — •Vasily Buchelnikov, Mariya Matyunina, and Mikhail Zagrebin
12:00 |
MA 1.10 |
Variational Monte Carlo approach for the dynamical spectra of frustrated spin systems — •Francesco Ferrari and Federico Becca
12:15 |
MA 1.11 |
Quantum effects in thermally activated domain wall switching in ferromagnets. — •Grzegorz Kwiatkowski and Pavel F. Bessarab
12:30 |
MA 1.12 |
Dynamical structure factors of dynamical quantum simulators — •Maria Laura Baez, Marcel Goihl, Jonas Haferkamp, Juan Bermejo-Vega, Marek Gluza, and Jens Eisert