Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 17: Skyrmions (jointly with MA, O) (joint session TT/MA)
Montag, 16. März 2020, 16:15–18:15, HSZ 304
16:15 |
MA 17.1 |
Quantum skyrmions in a triangular frustrated ferromagnet — •Vivek Lohani, Ciarán Hickey, Jan Masell, and Achim Rosch
16:30 |
MA 17.2 |
Quantum skyrmion state — •Evgeny A. Stepanov, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, and Vladimir V. Mazurenko
16:45 |
MA 17.3 |
Vortex-Phase in Non-Centrosymetric Antiferromagnets — •Benjamin Wolba, Sebastian Mühlbauer, and Markus Garst
17:00 |
MA 17.4 |
Weak Crystallization of Fluctuating Skyrmion Textures in MnSi — Jonas Kindervater, Ioannis Stasinopoulos, Andreas Bauer, •Franz Xaver Haslbeck, Felix Rucker, Alfonso Chacon, Sebastian Mühlbauer, Christian Franz, Markus Garst, Dirk Grundler, and Christian Pfleiderer
17:15 |
MA 17.5 |
Tuning of the critical temperature of a superconducting thin film in proximity of a chiral magnet — •Julius Grefe, Marvin Sach, Bastian Rubrecht, Jannis Willwater, Stefan Süllow, and Dirk Menzel
17:30 |
MA 17.6 |
Distribution of energy barriers associated with magnetic skyrmion decay in Fe0.5Co0.5Si — •Alfonso Chacon, Marco Halder, Jonas Kindervater, Andreas Bauer, Sebastian Mühlbauer, Achim Rosch, and Christian Pfleiderer
17:45 |
MA 17.7 |
Helix reorientation at the transition between helical and conical phases of the chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3 — •Laura Köhler, Peter Milde, Erik Neuber, Philipp Ritzinger, Andreas Bauer, Christian Pfleiderer, Helmuth Berger, and Markus Garst
18:00 |
MA 17.8 |
Skyrmion Lattice Magnet Gd2PdSi3 Studied by High-Resolution Dilatometry — •Sven Spachmann, Matthias Frontzek, Chongde Cao, Wolfgang Löser, and Rüdiger Klingeler