Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 27: Complex Oxides: Surfaces and Interfaces (jointly with DS, HL, KFM, MA, O) (joint session TT/HL/MA)
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 14:00–15:45, HSZ 02
14:00 |
MA 27.1 |
Ultradense tailored vortex pinning arrays in YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films created by He ion beam irradiation — •Max Karrer, Bernd Aichner, Benedikt Müller, Vyacheslav Misko, Kristijan L. Mletschnig, Meirzhan Dosmailov, Johannes D. Pedarnig, Franco Nori, Reinhold Kleiner, Wolfgang Lang, and Dieter Koelle
14:15 |
MA 27.2 |
Strain-dependent electronic reconstruction in Sr2CoIrO6 double perovskite from DFT+U+SOC calculations — •Jiongyao Wu and Rossitza Pentcheva
14:30 |
MA 27.3 |
Sensitivity of non-local fluctuations on surface effects in ultra-thin SrVO3 films — •Matthias Pickem, Jan M. Tomczak, and Karsten Held
14:45 |
MA 27.4 |
Planar GHz resonators on SrTiO3: Suppressed losses at temperatures below 1 K — Vincent T. Engl, Nikolaj G. Ebensperger, Lars Wendel, and •Marc Scheffler
15:00 |
MA 27.5 |
Tuning superconductivity at the Al2O3/SrTiO3-interface with light — •Daniel Arnold, Dirk Fuchs, and Roland Schäfer
15:15 |
MA 27.6 |
Crystalline anisotropy of magnetoresistance in LAO/STO nanostructures — •Mithun Sheena Prasad and Georg Schmidt
15:30 |
MA 27.7 |
Study of 2D superconductivity at oxide interfaces by microwave resonators — •Edouard Lesne, Yildiz Saglam, Daniel Bothner, Felix Schmidt, Marc Gabay, Gary Steele, and Andrea Caviglia