15:00 |
MA 40.1 |
Noncommutative geometry and the anomalous Hall effect in chiral spin textures — •Fabian R. Lux, Frank Freimuth, Stefan Blügel, and Yuriy Mokrousov
15:15 |
MA 40.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:30 |
MA 40.3 |
Stability and dynamics of in-plane Skyrmions — •Venkata Krishna Bharadwaj, Ricardo Zarzuela, Kyoung-Whan Kim, Jairo Sinova, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:45 |
MA 40.4 |
First-principles prediction of in-plane magnetic skyrmions: a topological spin-texture for high-storage density — •Flaviano José dos Santos, Markus Hoffmann, Manuel dos Santos Dias, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
16:00 |
MA 40.5 |
The contribution has been moved to MA 59.51.
16:15 |
MA 40.6 |
The effects of disorder on hysteresis loops in chiral magnets — David Cortes, Marijan Beg, Hans Fangohr, Tom Lancaster, Peter Hatton, Thorsten Hesjedal, and •Ondrej Hovorka
16:30 |
MA 40.7 |
Tuning the topology flip of magnetic skyrmions by an in-plane magnetic field — Florian Muckel, Stephan von Malottki, Christian Holl, Benjamin Pestka, Marco Pratzer, Pavel F. Bessarab, Stefan Heinze, and •Markus Morgenstern
16:45 |
15 min. break.
17:00 |
MA 40.8 |
Observation of unusual magnetic response at topological defects in FeGe — •Mariia Stepanova, Erik Lysne, Peggy Schoenherr, Jan Masell, Laura Köhler, Achim Rosch, Naoya Kanazawa, Yoshinori Tokura, Markus Garst, Alireza Qaiumzadeh, Arne Brataas, and Dennis Meier
17:15 |
MA 40.9 |
Band structure tuning of a skyrmion lattice with giant topological Hall effect — •Leonie Spitz, Max Hirschberger, Shang Gao, Taro Nakajima, Christian Pfleiderer, Taka-hisa Arima, and Yoshinori Tokura
17:30 |
MA 40.10 |
Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging at room temperature using single spins in diamond — •Tetyana Shalomayeva, Jianpei Geng, Qi-Chao Sun, Rainer Stöhr, Stuart Parkin, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:45 |
MA 40.11 |
Real-Space Imaging of the low-temperature Skyrmion phase in Cu2OSeO3 by Magnetic-Force-Microscopy — •Gerald Malsch, Peter Milde, Dmytro Ivaneiko, Christian Pfleiderer, Helmuth Berger, and Lukas Eng
18:00 |
MA 40.12 |
Magnetic anisotropy in the itinerant helimagnet MnSi — •Schorsch Michael Sauther, Michelle Hollricher, Vivek Kumar, Andreas Bauer, Markus Garst, Dirk Grundler, Christian Pfleiderer, and Marc Andreas Wilde
18:15 |
MA 40.13 |
Quantitative magnetic force microscopy investigation of magnetic features in the biskyrmion hosting hexagonal Mn33Ni33Ga33 magnet — •N. Puwenberg, C. F. Reiche, P. Devi, U. Burkhardt, C. Felser, M. Sharma, T. Mühl, and B. Büchner