09:30 |
MA 44.1 |
Vacuum Resonance States as Atomic-Scale Probes of Noncollinear Surface Magnetism — •Anika Schlenhoff
10:00 |
MA 44.2 |
Dead magnetic layer at the interface - magnetic moment quenching in Mn on W(001) — •Sebastian Meyer, Martin Schmitt, Matthias Vogt, Matthias Bode, and Stefan Heinze
10:15 |
MA 44.3 |
Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance of Pb and Bi adatoms and dimers on Mn/W(110) — •Soumyajyoti Haldar, Mara Gutzeit, and Stefan Heinze
10:30 |
MA 44.4 |
Dynamical spin-excitations of transition metal atoms deposited on superconducting surfaces — •Ana Montero, Filipe Souza Mendes Guimarães, Juba Bouaziz, and Samir Lounis
10:45 |
MA 44.5 |
Doping graphene with substitutional manganese atoms — •Renan Villarreal, Pin-Cheng Lin, Harsh Bana, Maya N. Nair, Ken Verguts, Steven Brems, Stefan De Gendt, Manuel Auge, Hans Hofsäss, Chris Van Haesendonck, and Lino M. C. Pereira
11:00 |
15 min. break.
11:15 |
MA 44.6 |
Growth and Characterization of Thulium-Cyclooctatetraene-Compounds on Gr/Ir(111) with XANES and XMCD — •Lea Spieker, Alexander Herman, Benedikt Eggert, Tobias Lojewski, Nico Rothenbach, Stefan Kraus, Florin Radu, Chen Luo, Kai Chen, Fadi Choueikani, Thomas Michely, and Heiko Wende
11:30 |
MA 44.7 |
Ab initio simulations of hybrid magnetic 2D-materials — •Nicolae Atodiresei, Vasile Caciuc, and Stefan Blügel
11:45 |
MA 44.8 |
Emerging 2D-ferromagnetism and strong spin-orbit coupling at the surface of valence-fluctuating EuIr2Si2 — •Susanne Schulz, Ilya A. Nechaev, Monika Güttler, Georg Poelchen, Steffen Danzenbächer, Silvia Seiro, Kristin Kliemt, Evgueni V. Chulkov, Clemens Laubschat, Eugene E. Krasovskii, Christoph Geibel, Cornelius Krellner, Kurt Kummer, and Denis V. Vyalikh