Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 47: Skyrmions IV (joint session MA/TT)
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 09:30–11:15, POT 6
09:30 |
MA 47.1 |
Exploring the tunability of skyrmion lifetimes in 3D materials — •Markus Hoffmann, Gideon P. Müller, and Stefan Blügel
09:45 |
MA 47.2 |
Electrical Transport in FIB microstructures of Mn1.4PtSn — •M. Winter, S. Hamann, J. Gayles, P. Vir, M. Uhlarz, M. König, C. Felser, J. Wosnitza, and T. Helm
10:00 |
MA 47.3 |
Towards the 3D quantification of Skyrmions in thin helimagnets — •Sebastian Schneider, Daniel Wolf, Matthew J. Stolt, Song Jin, Marcus Schmidt, Darius Pohl, Bernd Rellinghaus, Bernd Büchner, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Kornelius Nielsch, and Axel Lubk
10:15 |
MA 47.4 |
Skyrmions for reservoir computing — •Karin Everschor-Sitte
10:30 |
MA 47.5 |
Skyrmion size and shape within continuous magnetization model and atomistic spin model — •Anastasiia S. Varentsova and Pavel F. Bessarab
10:45 |
MA 47.6 |
Topologically Non-trivial Magnetic and Polar Patterns in Lacunar Spinels — •Markus Preißinger, Hans-albrecht Krug von Nidda, Axel Lubk, Sándor Bordács, Hiroshi Nakamura, Vladimir Tsurkan, and István Kézsmárki
11:00 |
MA 47.7 |
Hopfions in magnetic crystals — Filipp N. Rybakov, •Nikolai S. Kiselev, Aleksandr B. Borisov, Lukas Döring, Christof Melcher, and Stefan Blügel