Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 49: Focus Session: Higher-Order Magnetic Interactions – Implications in 2D and 3D Magnetism II
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–17:00, HSZ 04
15:00 |
MA 49.1 |
The role of itinerant electrons and higher order magnetic interactions among fluctuating local moments in producing complex magnetic phase diagrams. — Julie Staunton, Eduardo Mendive-Tapia, and •Christopher Patrick
15:30 |
MA 49.2 |
Origin of the short-period magnetic structure of MnGe from a first-principles high-temperature free energy — •Eduardo Mendive Tapia, Manuel dos Santos Dias, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
15:45 |
MA 49.3 |
Beyond Heisenberg exchange: non-collinear formalism for bcc Fe — •A. Szilva, D. Thonig, P.F. Bessarab, Y. O. Kvashnin, D. C. M. Rodrigues, R. Cardias, M. Pereiro, L. Nordström, A. Bergman, A. B. Klautau, and O. Eriksson
16:00 |
MA 49.4 |
Short- and long-range toroidal order in nanomagnetic arrays — •Jannis Lehmann, Amadé Bortis, Naëmi Leo, Claire Donnelly, Peter Derlet, Laura J. Heyderman, and Manfred Fiebig
16:15 |
MA 49.5 |
Competing Non-collinear Magnetic Phases in Osmates Double Perovskites — •Dario Fiore Mosca
16:30 |
MA 49.6 |
Hole doped 214-nickelate: A case study of spin dynamics in 3D-DCSS — •Rajesh Dutta and Avishek Maity
16:45 |
MA 49.7 |
Long-range chiral exchange interaction in synthetic antiferromagnets — Dong-Soo Han, Kyujoon Lee, •Fabian Kammerbauer, Myung-Hwa Jung, and Mathias Kläui