Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 50: Permanent Magnets
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–17:30, HSZ 101
15:00 |
MA 50.1 |
High-throughput and data-mining search for rare-earth free permanent magnets — •Alena Vishina, Olga Yu. Vekilova, Heike C. Herper, and Olle Eriksson
15:15 |
MA 50.2 |
Computational design of rare-earth lean hard magnetic phases — •Heike C. Herper, Olga Yu. Vekilova, Pablo Nieves, and Olle Eriksson
15:30 |
MA 50.3 |
Computational screening of Fe-Ta magnetic phases — •Sergiu Arapan, Pablo Nieves, Heike C. Herper, and Dominik Legut
15:45 |
MA 50.4 |
Strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy and magnetic hardness at room-temperature in the rare-earth-free magnet Rh2CoSb — •Yangkun He, Gerhard Fecher, Rudolf Schaefer, S. S. P. Parkin, J. M. D. Coey, and Claudia Felser
16:00 |
MA 50.5 |
Influence of cooling conditions and alloy composition on the microstructure of NdFeB alloys for a deformation production route — •Corinna Müller, Franziska Staab, Fansun Chi, Peter Groche, Enrico Bruder, Karsten Durst, Stefan Riegg, and Oliver Gutfleisch
16:15 |
15 min. break.
16:30 |
MA 50.6 |
Magnetic properties of “1-5” intermetallic compounds from first principles — •Olga Vekilova, Heike C. Herper, and Olle Eriksson
16:45 |
MA 50.7 |
Interplay between chemical order and magnetic properties in L10 FeNi (tetrataenite): A First-Principles Study — •Ankit Izardar and Claude Ederer
17:00 |
MA 50.8 |
Impact of magnetism on the phase stability of rare-earth based hard magnetic materials — •Halil Ibrahim Sözen, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
17:15 |
MA 50.9 |
Manipulation of intrinsic properties of CeFe11Ti: Experiment and Theory — •Semih Ener, Anna Galler, Fernando Maccari, Imants Dirba, Konstantin P. Skokov, Silke Biermann, Leonid Pourovskii, and Oliver Gutfleisch