Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 51: Ultrafast Dynamics of Light-Driven Systems (joint session TT/MA)
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–18:00, HSZ 201
15:00 |
MA 51.1 |
Out-of-equilibrium magnetism of Sr2IrO4 and La2CuO4 — •Ekaterina Paerschke, Yao Wang, and Cheng-Chien Chen
15:15 |
MA 51.2 |
Ultrafast spectroscopy of the Kitaev magnet RuCl3 — •Raluca Aldea, Rolf B. Versteeg, Fumiya Sekiguchi, Anuja Sahasrabudhe, Kestutis Budzinauskas, Zhe Wang, and Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht
15:30 |
MA 51.3 |
Ultrafast jamming transition in a charge-ordered system — •Yaroslav Gerasimenko, Jaka Vodeb, Jan Ravnik, Igor Vaskivskyi, Michele Diego, Viktor Kabanov, and Dragan Mihailoivic
15:45 |
MA 51.4 |
Creating non-equilibrium orders in high-temperature superconductors — •Guido Homann, Jayson Cosme, and Ludwig Mathey
16:00 |
MA 51.5 |
Detecting superconductivity out-of-equilibrium — •Sebastian Paeckel, Benedikt Fauseweh, Alexander Osterkorn, Thomas Kohler, Dirk Manske, and Salvatore R. Manama
16:15 |
15 min. break.
16:30 |
MA 51.6 |
Phase-sensitive analysis of Higgs oscillations in quenched superconductors with time- and angle-resolved photo emission spectroscopy — •Lukas Schwarz and Dirk Manske
16:45 |
MA 51.7 |
Controlling subdominant pairing symmetries in pumped unconventional superconductors — •Marvin A. Müller, Pavel A. Volkov, Indranil Paul, and Ilya Eremin
17:00 |
MA 51.8 |
Revealing Hund’s multiplets in Mott insulators under strong electric fields — •Nagamalleswararao Dasari, Jiajun Li, Philipp Werner, and Martin Eckstein
17:15 |
MA 51.9 |
Ultrafast electronic correlations in ordered phases — •Riku Tuovinen, Denis Golež, Martin Eckstein, and Michael A. Sentef
17:30 |
MA 51.10 |
Ultrafast metal-to-insulator switching in a strongly correlated system — •Francesco Grandi and Martin Eckstein
17:45 |
MA 51.11 |
The Ising model in a light-induced quantized transverse field — •Jonas Rohn, Max Hörmann, Claudiu Genes, and Kai Phillip Schmidt