15:00 |
MA 52.1 |
Linear magnets: a structure-property-relation for finding unquenched orbital moments — •Anton Jesche
15:30 |
MA 52.2 |
The power of typicality applied to magnetic molecules and low-dimensional quantum spin systems — •Jürgen Schnack
15:45 |
MA 52.3 |
Resonant photon absorption in GdPc2 molecular magnet — •Gheorghe Taran, Eufemio Moreno-Pineda, Edgar Bonet, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
16:00 |
MA 52.4 |
Quantum magnetism in Boleite - an Archimedean Solid with strong magnetic frustration — Stefan Lebernegg, Jürgen Schnack, Oleg Janson, Johannes Richter, Jörg Sichelschmidt, Tobias Förster, Alexander Tsirlin, and •Helge Rosner
16:15 |
MA 52.5 |
Multi band modelling of exchange couplings in edge-sharing Cu-O chains — •Dijana Milosavljevic, Oleg Janson, Jan Tomczak, and Helge Rosner
16:30 |
15 min. break.
16:45 |
MA 52.6 |
Field tunability of BKT correlations in the square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuPOF — •D. Opherden, C. P. Landee, F. Bärtl, M. Uhlarz, Y. Skourski, A. N. Ponomaryov, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza, and H. Kühne
17:00 |
MA 52.7 |
Y-, La- and Lu-Agardite, preparation, crystal structure, vibrational and low-dimensional magnetic properties — •Aleksandr M. Golubev, Eva Brücher, Armin Schulz, Reinhard K. Kremer, Robert Glaum, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
17:15 |
MA 52.8 |
Quantum phase transitions of Ising ferromagnets in tilted transverse fields — •Heike Eisenlohr and Matthias Vojta
17:30 |
MA 52.9 |
Chemical design strategies and field-induced phases in antiferromagnetically coupled organic spin-dimer systems — •Bernd Wolf, Lars Postulka, Paul Eibisch, Ulrich Tutsch, Martin Baumgarten, and Michael Lang
17:45 |
MA 52.10 |
Field-induced magnetic phase in quasi-one-dimensional YbAlO3 — •Stanislav Nikitin, Liusuo Wu, Aleksandr Sukhanov, Nikolay Pavlovskiy, Jianhui Xu, Manuel Brando, Leonid Vasylechko, and Andrey Podlesnyak