Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 55: Non-Skyrmionic Magnetic Textures
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–17:15, POT 6
15:00 |
MA 55.1 |
Hall effects in non-collinear kagome antiferromagnets. — •Oliver Busch, Börge Göbel, and Ingrid Mertig
15:15 |
MA 55.2 |
Topological Hall signatures of electrons in magnetic hopfions — •Börge Göbel, Collins Akosa, Gen Tatara, and Ingrid Mertig
15:30 |
MA 55.3 |
Manipulation of the helical phase of chiral magnets with spin-transfer torque — •Jan Masell and Naoto Nagaosa
15:45 |
MA 55.4 |
Non-local symmetry breaking effects, induced by magnetostatics in curvilinear ferromagnetic shells — Denis D. Sheka, •Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Pedro Landeros, Yuri Gaididei, Attila Kákay, and Denys Makarov
16:00 |
15 min. break.
16:15 |
MA 55.5 |
Magnetic Domain States in Synthetic Antiferromagnets with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy — •Ruslan Salikhov, Fabian Samad, Benny Böhm, and Olav Hellwig
16:30 |
MA 55.6 |
Domain formation and domain wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets controlled by focused ion beam irradiation — •Fabian Samad, Leopold Koch, Gregor Hlawacek, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Miriam Lenz, and Olav Hellwig
16:45 |
MA 55.7 |
Few-nm tracking of vortex orbits in the presence of disorder using Ultrafast Lorentz Microscopy — •Marcel Möller, John H. Gaida, Sascha Schäfer und Claus Ropers
17:00 |
MA 55.8 |
Unidirectionally tilted domain walls in chiral biaxial stripes — •Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Oleksii M. Volkov, Jürgen Fassbender, Denis D. Sheka, and Denys Makarov