09:30 |
MA 61.1 |
On the exploration of mechanical and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloy system doped with Gd — •Wei Liu, Franziska Scheibel, Lukas Pfeuffer, Andreas Taubel, Konstantin Skokov, and Oliver Gutfleisch
09:45 |
MA 61.2 |
Magnetocaloric materials for multi-stimuli cooling cycle - required functional properties and potential materials — •Franziska Scheibel, Tino Gottschall, Lukas Pfeuffer, Andreas Taubel, Dominik Ohmer, Konstantin Skokov, Bai-Xiang Xu, and Oliver Gutfleisch
10:00 |
MA 61.3 |
Optimizing the magnetocaloric effect in all-d-metal Ni-Co-Mn-Ti Heusler alloys — •Benedikt Beckmann, Andreas Taubel, Lukas Pfeuffer, Franziska Scheibel, Konstantin Skokov, and Oliver Gutfleisch
10:15 |
MA 61.4 |
Time-dependence of the martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-In Heusler compounds — •Lukas Pfeuffer, Tino Gottschall, Tom Faske, Andreas Taubel, Franziska Scheibel, Konstantin Skokov, and Oliver Gutfleisch
10:30 |
MA 61.5 |
Thermomagnetic properties of Co or Cu doped Ni-Mn-Ga films for mico energy harvesting — •Lukas Fink, Anett Diestel, Kornelius Nielsch, and Sebastian Fähler
10:45 |
MA 61.6 |
Orbital Nernst Effect of Magnons — •Li-chuan Zhang, Fabian R. Lux, Jan-Philipp Hanke, Patrick M. Buhl, Sergii Grytsiuk, Stefan Blügel, and Yuriy Mokrousov
11:00 |
MA 61.7 |
Magnonic Analogue of Edelstein Effect in Antiferromagnetic Insulators — Bo Li, •Alexander Mook, Aldo Raeliarijaona, and Alexey Kovalev
11:15 |
MA 61.8 |
Non-hysteretic first-order ferromagnetic transitions by itinerant electron feedback and Fermi surface topology change — •Eduardo Mendive Tapia, Durga Paudyal, Leon Petit, and Julie Staunton
11:30 |
MA 61.9 |
Utilizing the Thermomagnetic Response of the Magnetocaloric alloy Energy Harvesting Application — •Deepak Kamble and Raju V. Ramanujan
11:45 |
MA 61.10 |
Optimizing a thermomagnetic generator with flux reversal by finite element calculations — •Dietmar Berger, Daniel Dzekan, Deepak Kamble, Kornelius Nielsch, and Sebastian Fähler
12:00 |
MA 61.11 |
Evaluation of magnetocaloric materials for thermomagnetic energy harvesting — •Daniel Dzekan, Anja Waske, Kornelius Nielsch, and Sebastian Fähler
12:15 |
MA 61.12 |
The impact of hydrogenation and chemical substitution on the itinerant electron metamagnetism in La-Fe-Si-based magnetocaloric materials — •Markus Ernst Gruner
12:30 |
MA 61.13 |
Tailoring the Phase Transition of FeRh by Nickel Doping — •Tobias Lojewski, Benedikt Eggert, Alisa Chirkova, Konstantin Skokov, Iliya Radulov, Olga Shuleshova, Markus E. Gruner, Katharina Ollefs, Ivan Kaban, Oliver Gutfleisch, and Heiko Wende
12:45 |
MA 61.14 |
Experimental determination of the thermal conductivity of oxide barriers in magnetic tunnel junctions — Hyejin Jang, Luca Marnitz, Torsten Huebner, Johannes Kimling, Ulrike Martens, Jakob Walowski, Markus Münzenberg, Andy Thomas, Günter Reiss, David Cahill und •Timo Kuschel
13:00 |
MA 61.15 |
Magnetic phase diagram of the magnetocaloric compound Mn3Fe2Si3 — •Mohammed Ait Haddouch, Jörg Voigt, Karen Friese, Andreas Eich, Jörg Perßon, Armand Budzianowski, Nicolò Violini, Fabiano Yokaichiya, Devashibhai Adroja, and Thomas Brückel