Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MA 62: Disodered Magnetic Materials
Freitag, 20. März 2020, 09:30–11:30, HSZ 401
09:30 |
MA 62.1 |
An ab initio study of magnetism in disordered Fe-Al alloys with thermal antiphase boundaries — •Martin Friák, Miroslav Golian, David Holec, Nikola Koutná, and Mojmír Šob
09:45 |
MA 62.2 |
Variation of open volume defects during magnetic phase transitions — •Maciej Oskar Liedke, Maik Butterling, Jonathan Ehrler, Benedikt Eggert, William Griggs, Shadab Anwar, Rantej Bali, Thomas Thomson, Eric Hirschmann, Ahmed G. Attallah, Heiko Wende, and Andreas Wagner
10:00 |
MA 62.3 |
Large Hall angle of the disordered B2 Fe60Al40 alloy — •Václav Drchal, Josef Kudrnovský, František Máca, Ilja Turek, and Sergii Khmelevskyi
10:15 |
MA 62.4 |
Local structure after ion irradiation in FeRh thin films — •Johanna Lill, Benedikt Eggert, Katharina Ollefs, Sakura Pascarelli, Alexander Schmeink, Kay Potzger, Jürgen Lindner, Jürgen Fassbender, Thomas Thomson, Rantej Bali, and Heiko Wende
10:30 |
MA 62.5 |
Spin wave spectra of disordered materials — •Sebastian Paischer, Pawel Buczek, and Arthur Ernst
10:45 |
MA 62.6 |
Impact of correlation effects on the magneto-optical Kerr effect in transition metals and their alloys — •Andreas Held, Ján Minár, and Hubert Ebert
11:00 |
MA 62.7 |
Local short-scale correlations and the origin of pseudo-diamagnetism — •Malvika Tripathi, T. Chatterji, H. E. Fischer, R. J. Choudhary, and D. M. Phase
11:15 |
MA 62.8 |
Uniform Heisenberg spin chain in sarrabusite Pb5Cu(SeO3)4Cl4 — •Ekaterina Kozlyakova, Artem Moskin, Alisher Murtazoev, Peter Berdonosov, and Alexander Vasiliev