Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 11: Topical Session: Data Driven Materials Science - Machine Learning for Damage Prediction
Montag, 16. März 2020, 15:45–16:45, BAR 205
15:45 |
MM 11.1 |
Topical Talk:
From microscopic models of damage accumulation in Ni-base superalloys to the failure probability of gas turbine components — •Tilmann Beck, Benedikt Engel, Nadine Moch, Lucas Mäde, Sebastian Schmitz, and Hanno Gottschalk
16:15 |
MM 11.2 |
Large-area, high-resolution characterisation and classification of damage mechanisms in dual-phase steel using deep learning — •Setareh Medghalchi, Carl F. Kusche, Tom Reclik, Martina Freund, Ulrich Kerzel, Talal Al-Samman, and Sandra Korte-Kerzel
16:30 |
MM 11.3 |
Der Beitrag wurde abgesagt (Dopplung mit MM 11.2).