18:15 |
MM 18.1 |
Analysis of polymers and stainless steels by scanning and transmission electron microscopy — •Bernhard Kaltschmidt, Inga Ennen, and Andreas Hütten
18:15 |
MM 18.2 |
Detection and characterisation of amorphous silicon nanoclusters in laser-annealed silicon-rich silicon oxide via STEM — •Lukas Richert, Christoph Flathmann, Tobias Meyer, Hendrik Voigt, and Michael Seibt
18:15 |
MM 18.3 |
Time and temperature resolved in situ investigation of the metal-induced crystallization of amorphous carbon thin films — •Matthias Krause, Daniel Janke, Robert Wenisch, René Heller, David Rafaja, and Sibylle Gemming
18:15 |
MM 18.4 |
Phase Transformations in TiAl during Selective Laser Melting (SLM) studied by X-ray Diffraction — •Jan Rosigkeit, Peter Staron, Emad Maawad, and Florian Pyczak
18:15 |
MM 18.5 |
Antiphase domain growth on cubic lattices: a Monte Carlo study — •Ulrike Zweck and Michael Leitner
18:15 |
MM 18.6 |
Analysis of Crystal Defects in Tungsten by Positron Annihilation Lifetime and Doppler-Broadening Spectroscopy — •Vassily Vadimovitch Burwitz, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:15 |
MM 18.7 |
Optical testing of phase change materials — •Simon von Oehsen, Maximilian Müller, Christoph Persch, and Matthias Wuttig
18:15 |
MM 18.8 |
Glass Dynamics and Crystallization Kinetics of the System GeSe:GeTe — •Maximilian Müller, Julian Pries, and Matthias Wuttig
18:15 |
MM 18.9 |
Combining Atom Probe Tomography and Statistical Mechanics: Analysis of the Miscibility Gap in Copper-Nickel — •Marvin Poul, Rüya Duran, Sebastian Eich, and Guido Schmitz
18:15 |
MM 18.10 |
Experimental investigation of the early stage precipitation reactions in Al-Cu alloys — •Johannes Berlin, Maximilian Gnedel, and Ferdinand Haider
18:15 |
MM 18.11 |
Analysis of grain boundary character and the resulting hardness distribution in High Entropy Alloys — •Lydia Daum, Bengü Tas, Martin Peterlechner, Sergiy Divinskiy, and Gerhard Wilde
18:15 |
MM 18.12 |
Electronic structure and stability studies on random configurations of silicon-germanium carbon alloys — •Willi Roscher, Florian Fuchs, Christian Wagner, Jörg Schuster, and Sibylle Gemming
18:15 |
MM 18.13 |
On the complex structure and phase boundaries in Fe-Al binary alloys — •Subhamoy Char and Dasari Prasad
18:15 |
MM 18.14 |
Analyse und vergleichende Synthese von anodischen Aluminiumoxidschichten auf technischen Aluminiumlegierungen — Ivan Zadyraka, Stefan Ostendorp, Martin Peterlechner und •Gerhard Wilde
18:15 |
MM 18.15 |
Copper Precipitates in Aluminum Alloys studied by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy — •Leon Chryssos, Thomas Gigl, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:15 |
MM 18.16 |
DFT characterization of β- and δ- intermetallic Al-Fe-Si phases — •Nebahat Bulut, Hanka Becker, Andreas Leineweber, and Jens Kortus
18:15 |
MM 18.17 |
Ab initio opto electronic properties of magnesium silicide alloys — •Juan Guerra, Marcel Giar, Carsten Mahr, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
18:15 |
MM 18.18 |
Lattice Dynamics of W-Cr Alloys by Ab Initio Calculations — •Michal Farana, Andrzej Piotr Kadzielawa, and Dominik Legut
18:15 |
MM 18.19 |
Computational prediction of solubility limits in selected solid solutions — •Ondřej Fikar and Martin Zelený
18:15 |
MM 18.20 |
Impact of magnetism on the energy of stacking faults in the C14 NbFe2 Laves phase — •Ali Zendegani, Fritz Körmann, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
18:15 |
MM 18.21 |
Large-scale simulations of plasticity in nanocrystalline Iron — •Hoang-Thien Luu and Nina Gunkelmann
18:15 |
MM 18.22 |
Electronic and Optical Properties of Bismuthene on a SiC Substrate — •Armando Consiglio and Domenico Di Sante
18:15 |
MM 18.23 |
Self-consistent implementation of meta-GGA functionals in the (L)APW code Wien2k — •Jan Doumont, Fabien Tran, and Peter Blaha
18:15 |
MM 18.24 |
Theoretical Description of Non-linear Processes in magnetic material — •Shalu Rani and Valérie Veniard
18:15 |
MM 18.25 |
Ab initio studies on NbO2 — •Kathrin Kulmus, Sibylle Gemming, and Michael Schreiber
18:15 |
MM 18.26 |
Towards all-optical spectroscopy of ordered and disordered phononic crystals — •Tobias Claus, Sina Ludewig, and Henning Ulrichs
18:15 |
MM 18.27 |
Atomistic study of the influence of oxide shell layers on the material properties of aluminum nanowires — •Hoang-Thien Luu, Yudi Rosandi, and Nina Gunkelmann
18:15 |
MM 18.28 |
Investigation of electrostatic and elastic grain interactions in ferroelectric ceramics using the self-consistent mesoscopic switching model — •Ruben Khachaturyan, Anna Grünebohm, and Yuri Genenko
18:15 |
MM 18.29 |
Impact of pressure on bulk diffusion in TiN: a combined ab initio and molecular dynamics study — •Ganesh Kumar Nayak, Ilia Ponomarev, Paolo Nicolini, and David Holec
18:15 |
MM 18.30 |
Calorimetric Study of Low Melting Eutectics in Chlorine-induced High Temperature Corrosion Environment — •Sophie Winkler, Sebastian Pentz, and Ferdinand Haider
18:15 |
MM 18.31 |
Study of the evaluation of NanoBeam Electron Diffraction Patterns from Bulk Metallic Glasses — •Manuel Lindenblatt, Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
18:15 |
MM 18.32 |
Investigations on the relaxation of metallic glasses using fast scanning calorimetry — •Maximilian Demming, Mark Stringe, Martin Peterlechner, Gerhard Wilde, and Benedikt Bochtler
18:15 |
MM 18.33 |
Investigating the short-range order (SRO) of glassy Ge15Te85 and GeSe obtained by TEM diffractometry — •Christian Stenz, Julian Pries, and Matthias Wuttig
18:15 |
MM 18.34 |
Effects of annealing and thermal history of glassy materials — •Alexander Heinrich, Julian Pries, and Matthias Wuttig
18:15 |
MM 18.35 |
Signatures of quasiparticle transport in excitonic insulator candidate: Ta2NiSe5 — •Yuan-Shan Zhang, Jan Bruin, Yosuke Matsumoto, Masahiko Isobe, and Hidenori Takagi
18:15 |
MM 18.36 |
Monte Carlo simulation of the energy distribution in laser-irradiated solids under the influence of a magnetic field — •Xavier del Arco, Julia Amann, Pavel N. Terekhin, and Baerbel Rethfeld
18:15 |
MM 18.37 |
Interdiffusion and atomic mobility in Mo-Zr and Mo-Nb-Zr bcc phase alloys — •Baixue Bian, Yong Du, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
18:15 |
MM 18.38 |
Investigation of Hydrogen Isotopologue Sorption in Ti/Pd Films — •Sonja Schneidewind, Sebastian Vetter, Christian Goffing, Max Aker, Marco Langer, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Andreas Reifenberger, and Magnus Schlösser
18:15 |
MM 18.39 |
Nanoscale heat transport in heterostructures — •Jan-Etienne Pudell, Marc Herzog, Alexander von Reppert, Gregory Malinowski, Matthias Rössle, and Matias Bargheer
18:15 |
MM 18.40 |
Synthesising high-Tc hydrides for the electrical transport measurements — •Takaki Muramatsu, Israel Osmond, Owen Moulding, Jonathan Buhot, Oliver Load, and Sven Friedemann
18:15 |
MM 18.41 |
The study of non-linear Hall effect via semiclassical theory — •Botsz Huang and Ching-Hao Chang
18:15 |
MM 18.42 |
Thermal conduction in epitaxial LaMnO3/SrMnO3 superlattices — •Daniel Metternich, Dennis Meyer, Roland Potthast, Jan-Phillip Bange, Marius Keunecke, Robert Gruhl, Vladimir Roddatis, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Henning Ulrichs
18:15 |
MM 18.43 |
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Ca(1-x)Eu(x)AlSiN3 — Norovsambuu Tuvjargal, Chao Kefu, Ojied Tegus, and •Jav Davaasambuu