Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 21: Transport - Ions and Electrons
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 10:15–11:30, IFW B
10:15 |
MM 21.1 |
Site energy distribution of sodium ions in a sodium rubidium borate glass — •Martin Schäfer, David Budina, and Karl-Michael Weitzel
10:30 |
MM 21.2 |
Quantum Paracrystalline Shear Modes in Metals — •Jun Yong Khoo, Falko Pientka, Po-Yao Chang, and Inti Sodemann
10:45 |
MM 21.3 |
Curve graphene systems to create new Hall-like effects in zero magnetic field — •Ching-Hao Chang, Sheng-Chin Ho, Yu-Chiang Hsieh, Shun-Tsung Lo, Botsz Huang, Thi-Hai-Yen Vu, Carmine Ortix, and Tse-Ming Chen
11:00 |
MM 21.4 |
Quantitative analysis of non-radiative relaxation processes in luminescent borate glass by infrared thermography — •Nils J. Ziegeler, Peter W. Nolte, and Stefan Schweizer
11:15 |
MM 21.5 |
Investigation of the universal scattering rate in PdCrO2 by high energy electron irradiation — •Elina Zhakina, Philippa McGuinness, Seunghyun Khim, Veronika Sunko, Andrew Mackenzie, and Marcin Konczykowski