Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 23: Topical Session: Interface-dominated phenomena - Interactions at Interfaces
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 11:45–13:00, IFW A
11:45 |
MM 23.1 |
Elastic Strain Effect in Electrocatalysis during Methanol Oxidation Reaction on Gold/Platinum Thin Films — •Xinyan Wu and Jörg Weißmüller
12:00 |
MM 23.2 |
Structure and local electrical resistivity in copper grain boundaries — •Hanna Bishara, Matteo Ghidelli, and Gerhard Dehm
12:15 |
MM 23.3 |
Directionality of metal-induced crystallization and layer exchange in amorphous carbon/nickel thin film stacks — •Matthias Krause, Daniel Janke, Frans Munnik, Jaakko Julin, René Hübner, Jörg Grenzer, Christina Wüstefeld, David Rafaja, and Sibylle Gemming
12:30 |
MM 23.4 |
Atomistic simulation of nucleation during solidification in binary alloys — •Sarath Menon, Grisell Díaz Leines, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz
12:45 |
MM 23.5 |
Interplay of grain boundaries, deformation and electromagnetic properties in iron silicon steel — •Martin Heller, James Gibson, Nora Leuning, Kay Hameyer, and Sandra Korte-Kerzel