Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 29: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - Battery and Fuel Cell Materials (joint session MM/CPP)
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 14:15–15:45, IFW D
14:15 |
MM 29.1 |
Atomistic simulation of working interfaces: Towards understanding the role of complex multiphase grain boundaries in all-solid-state Li-ion batteries — •Sina Stegmaier, Roland Schierholz, Christoph Scheurer, and Karsten Reuter
14:30 |
MM 29.2 |
Polaron Hopping Mechanism as a source for electronic conductivity in Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) Batteries — •Matthias Kick, Cristina Grosu, Markus Schuderer, Christoph Scheurer, and Harald Oberhofer
14:45 |
MM 29.3 |
Exploring defect structures in Li4Ti5O12 (LTO): A combined theoretical and experimental approach — •Yute Chan, Cristina Grosu, Karsten Reuter, and Christoph Scheurer
15:00 |
MM 29.4 |
A Neural Network Potential for Lithium Manganese Oxides — •Marco Eckhoff, Peter E. Blöchl, and Jörg Behler
15:15 |
MM 29.5 |
One parabola to fit them all: A response surface approach to computational catalyst screening — •Frederic Felsen, Christoph Scheurer, and Karsten Reuter
15:30 |
MM 29.6 |
Analysis of LixMn2O4 for catalysis of the oxygen-evolution-reaction (OER) using STEM-EELS — •Florian Schönewald, Max Baumung, Marcel Risch, and Cynthia Volkert