Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 3: Transport - Atoms and Ions I
Montag, 16. März 2020, 10:15–11:30, IFW A
10:15 |
MM 3.1 |
Influence of magnetic transformation on bulk diffusion of Mn in iron — •Vladislav Kulitckii, Omkar Hegde, Tilmann Hickel, Chu-Chun Fu, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
10:30 |
MM 3.2 |
A DFT study of the electric field dependence of atomic migration barriers in hard magnetic L10 intermetallic phases — •Oskar Till and Christian Elsässer
10:45 |
MM 3.3 |
Combination of 7Li-Field-Cycling and T1ρ-NMR experiments to investigate metallic lithium and lithium solid-state ion conductors. — •Philipp Seipel, Edda Winter, and Michael Vogel
11:00 |
MM 3.4 |
Atomistic modeling of grain boundaries and their effects on oxygen vacancies in SrTiO3 — •Cong Tao, Daniel Mutter, Daniel F. Urban, and Christian Elsässer
11:15 |
MM 3.5 |
Mutual dependence of oxygen and vacancy diffusion in dilute iron alloys and the influence of substitutional atoms — •Xiaoshuang Wang, Jürgen Faßbender, and Matthias Posselt