Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 42: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - Functional Materials
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 15:45–17:00, IFW D
15:45 |
MM 42.1 |
Charge carrier diffusion in MgSc2Se4 spinel structures — •Manuel Dillenz, Mohsen Sotoudeh, and Axel Groß
16:00 |
MM 42.2 |
Defect Calculations to Explain Charge-Carrier Transition in Disordered Chalcogenides — •Valentin Evang, Johannes Reindl, Alexander Rochotzki, Matthias Wuttig, and Riccardo Mazzarello
16:15 |
MM 42.3 |
Understanding the charge trapping-detrapping in undoped- and carbon doped GaN — •Suchinder Sharma, Friederike Zimmermann, Jan Beyer, Eberhard Richter, and Johannes Heitmann
16:30 |
MM 42.4 |
Electronic structure and core electron fingerprints of caesium-based antimonides for ultra-bright electron sources — Caterina Cocchi, Sonal Mistry, Martin Schmeisser, •Raymond Amador, Julius Kuehn, and Thorsten Kamps
16:45 |
MM 42.5 |
The effect of crystallinity of layered transition metal disulfide on the performance of potassium-ion batteries: The case of molybdenum disulfide — •Yulian Dong, Huaping Zhao, and Yong Lei