Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 44: Topical Session: Interface-dominated phenomena - Solutes at Interfaces II
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 17:15–18:30, IFW A
17:15 |
MM 44.1 |
Atomic scale analysis on the elemental partitioning across phase boundaries in medium-Mn steels — •Wenwen Song, Yan Ma, and Wolfgang Bleck
17:30 |
MM 44.2 |
A quantum-mechanical study of clean and Cr-segregated antiphase boundaries in Fe3Al — •Martin Friák, Monika Všianská, and Mojmír Šob
17:45 |
MM 44.3 |
Ag segregation induced nanofaceting transition of a Cu tilt grain boundary and its impact on plastic deformation mechanisms — •Nicolas J. Peter, Christian H. Liebscher, Christoph Kirchlechner, and Gerhard Dehm
18:00 |
MM 44.4 |
Influence of impurities on the grain boundary strength in Ir — •Minaam Qamar, Matous Mrovec, and Ralf Drautz
18:15 |
MM 44.5 |
Microscopic understanding of Zn diffusion in Fe grain boundaries. — •Michael Geier, Martin Panholzer, Martin Hoffmann, Heiko Groiss, Kurt Hingerl, and Robert E. Zillich