Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 46: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - Electronic Properties
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 17:15–18:30, IFW D
17:15 |
MM 46.1 |
Oxygen Vacancy Formation and Diffusion in Oxide Electrode Materials for High-Temperature Electrolysis — •Hanna Tuerk, Karsten Reuter, and Christoph Scheurer
17:30 |
MM 46.2 |
An ultrafast graphite oxide-graphite capacitor enabled by potassium-based ether electrolyte — •Chenglin Zhang, Long Liu, Yuhan Wu, and Yong Lei
17:45 |
MM 46.3 |
Investigating the Role of Nanoarchitectured Current Collector in Supercapacitor Electrode with Thick Pseudocapacitive Materials — •Long Liu, Huaping Zhao, Mo Sha, Chenglin Zhang, Jiajia Qiu, and Yong Lei
18:00 |
MM 46.4 |
Phase Stability Diagrams of Group 6 Magnéli Oxides and Their Implications for Photon-Assisted Applications — •Yun-Jae Lee, Taehun Lee, and Aloysius Soon
18:15 |
MM 46.5 |
Lattice dynamics in PbTe under high pressure — •Zehua Li, Shasha Li, Rolf Heid, John-paul Castellan, Stefan Klotz, Alexandre Ivanov, Yue Chen, and Frank Weber