Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 52: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - Ion Diffusion
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 10:15–11:30, IFW D
10:15 |
MM 52.1 |
measurement of Li mobility in lithium iron phosphate by APT at different field strength — •Ahmed Abdelkarim, Patrick Stender, and Guido Schmitz
10:30 |
MM 52.2 |
Atomistic analysis of migration properties of Li in Li1+xAlxTi2−x(PO4)3 (LATP) solid electrolytes — Daniel Pfalzgraf, •Daniel Mutter, Daniel F. Urban, and Christian Elsässer
10:45 |
MM 52.3 |
Investigating diffusion of lithium intercalated in graphite by a combination of multiscale modeling and NMR — •Cristina Grosu, Sandra Döpking, Chiara Panosetti, Simon Annies, Steffen Merz, Peter Jakes, Sebastian Matera, Josef Granwehr, and Christoph Scheurer
11:00 |
MM 52.4 |
Measurements of lithium-ion conductivity at the grain level — •Peihua Huang, Patrick Uredat, Julian Zahnow, and Matthias T. Elm
11:15 |
MM 52.5 |
First-principles study of magnesium transport in spinel chalcogenides — •Mohsen Sotoudeh, Manuel Dillenz, and Axel Groß