Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 55: Computational Materials Modelling - Magnetic Materials
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 11:45–13:15, IFW B
11:45 |
MM 55.1 |
A Phase Field Crystal Model for Magneto-Structural Interaction — •Rainer Backofen and Axel Voigt
12:00 |
MM 55.2 |
Modeling of magnetodyanmics in endohedral-fullerene-based molecular magnets — •Stanislav Avdosheno and Alexey Popov
12:15 |
MM 55.3 |
An advanced method for computing the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity from first principles — •Minsu Ghim, Ji Hoon Ryoo, and Cheol-Hwan Park
12:30 |
MM 55.4 |
A three-order-parameter, bistable, magnetoelectric multiferroic metal — Andrea Urru, Francesco Ricci, Alessio Filippetti, Jorge Iniguez, and •Vincenzo Fiorentini
12:45 |
MM 55.5 |
Magnetic and Electronic properties of Mn2Au: A Novel spintronic compound — •Sunil Wilfred DSouza, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Satya Prakash Bommanaboyena, Martin Jourdan, and Jan Minár
13:00 |
MM 55.6 |
Pure Néel-type Spin Textures in Ferrimagnetic Alloys — •Boris Seng, Daniel Schönke, Nico Kerber, Fabian Kammerbauer, Jean-Loïs Bello, Daniel Lacour, Robert Reeve, Michel Hehn, Stéphane Mangin, and Mathias Kläui