Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 56: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - Intercalation
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 11:45–13:00, IFW D
11:45 |
MM 56.1 |
Modulation of the optical properties of LixCo2O via Li-ion transport — •Sanaz Banifarsi, Yug Joshi, Robert Lawitzki, and Guido Schmitz
12:00 |
MM 56.2 |
Laser-assisted atom probe tomography (APT) study on the lithiation behavior in the conversion reaction of CuO as an anode in lithium ion battery — •Jianshu Zheng, Patrick Stender, and Guido Schmitz
12:15 |
MM 56.3 |
Quantifying the intercalation process in graphite based anode materials using DFT — •Holger Euchner and Axel Groß
12:30 |
MM 56.4 |
A new hop: a DFTB model for Li diffusion in low-SOC graphite anodes. — •Chiara Panosetti, Simon Annies, Cristina Grosu, Maria Voronenko, and Christoph Scheurer
12:45 |
MM 56.5 |
The Electrostatic GAP: Machine-Learning Potentials for Battery Materials — •Carsten Staacke, Christoph Scheurer, Johannes Margraf, Gabor Csanyi, and Karsten Reuter