Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 60: Mechanical Properties: Plasticity, fracture, fatigue, wear - I
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:45–17:15, IFW B
15:45 |
MM 60.1 |
Origins of Strength and Plasticity of the precious metal based high entropy alloy AuCuNiPdPt — •Felix Thiel, Daniel Utt, Dirk Seifert, David Geissler, Alexander Kauffmann, Sascha Seils, Martin Heilmaier, Karsten Albe, Mykhaylo Motylenko, David Rafaja, Jens Freudenberger, and Kornelius Nielsch
16:00 |
MM 60.2 |
Variation of mechanical strength with composition in the Cantor alloy system: Experiments and modeling — •Daniel Utt, Tom Keil, Alexander Stukowski, Enrico Bruder, Karsten Albe, and Karsten Durst
16:15 |
MM 60.3 |
Exploring slip across Laves phase interface in magnesium alloy — •Julien Guénolé, Muhammad Zubair, and Sandra Korte-Kerzel
16:30 |
MM 60.4 |
Uncovering Fundamental Subsurface Deformation Mechanisms in High-Purity Copper Induced by Sliding — •C. Haug, F. Ruebeling, A. Kashiwar, P. Gumbsch, C. Kübel, and C. Greiner
16:45 |
MM 60.5 |
Size effect in bi-crystalline Cu micropillars with a coherent twin boundary — •Reza Hosseinabadi, Gerhard Dehm, and Christoph Kirchlechner
17:00 |
MM 60.6 |
How to optimize strength and conductivity in metallization layers by alloying? — •Viswanadh Gowtham Arigela, Tobias Oellers, Alfred Ludwig, Christoph Kirchlechner, and Gerhard Dehm