Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 61: Nanomaterials - I
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:45–17:15, IFW D
15:45 |
MM 61.1 |
Nanoporous Copper-Nickel -- Macroscopic bodies of a strong and deformable nanoporous base metal by dealloying — •Lukas Lührs and Jörg Weissmüller
16:00 |
MM 61.2 |
Elastic and plastic behavior of nanoporous gold under applied electrochemical potential — •Yijuan Wu, Jürgen Markmann, and Erica Lilleodden
16:15 |
MM 61.3 |
Impact of the precursor alloy composition on the mechanical properties of nanoporous gold — •Birthe Zandersons, Lukas Lührs, and Jörg Weissmüller
16:30 |
MM 61.4 |
In-depth porosimetry of pore evolution in low-k thin films — •Ahmed G. Attallah, Maciej Oskar Liedke, Nicole Koehler, Maik Butterling, Eric Hirschmann, Stefan E. Schulz, Ramona Ecke, and Andreas Wagner
16:45 |
MM 61.5 |
Scalable Structural Coloring Based on the Photonic Bandgap of Ordered Nanoporous Array — •Yudie Huang, Fanzhou Lv, Jiaxu Chen, Zhihang Wang, Shiyao Jia, Yi Wang, and Wenxin Wang
17:00 |
MM 61.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.