Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 63: Computational Materials Modelling - Electronic Structure of Complex Materials
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 17:30–19:00, IFW A
17:30 |
MM 63.1 |
Multistep stochastic mechanism polarization switching model — •Ruben Khachaturyan, Ankit Biswas, Anna Grünebohm, and Yuri Genenko
17:45 |
MM 63.2 |
First-principles investigation of the electromechanical response properties of ferroelectric HfO2 — •Sangita Dutta and Jorge Iniguez
18:00 |
MM 63.3 |
The Quantum Rectification Tensor of Three-Dimensional Materials — •Urmimala Dey, Oles Matsyshyn, Yan Sun, and Inti Sodemann
18:15 |
MM 63.4 |
computational screening for anderson insulators — •yazhi xu, xudong wang, riccardo mazzarello, and wei zhang
18:30 |
MM 63.5 |
Addressing the conflict of locating solvated electrons in alkali metal doped zeolites — •Debalaya Sarker, Sergey V. Levchenko, and Matthias Scheffler
18:45 |
MM 63.6 |
Comprehensive scan for nonmagnetic Weyl semimetals — •Qiunan Xu, Yang Zhang, Klaus Koepernik, Wujun Zhang, Jeroen van den Brink, Claudia Felser, and Yan Sun