Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 64: Mechanical Properties: Plasticity, fracture, fatigue, wear - II
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 17:30–19:00, IFW B
17:30 |
MM 64.1 |
Can machine learning be used to extract single phase properties based on nanoindentation mapping? A case study in steels — •Robin Jentner, Kinshuk Srivastava, Bastian Philippi, Christoph Kirchlechner, and Gerhard Dehm
17:45 |
MM 64.2 |
Atomistic and continuum simulation of brittle and ductile crack in titanium aluminide single and bi-crystals — •Anupam Neogi, Alexander Hartmaier, and Rebecca Janisch
18:00 |
MM 64.3 |
Multiscale quantum classical modelling of the interaction of crack systems with defects in diamond — •James Brixey and James Kermode
18:15 |
MM 64.4 |
In silico experiments on mechanics of TiN/AlN superlattices: an MD study — •Lukas Löfler, Matthias Bartosik, Paul Heinz Mayrhofer, and David Holec
18:30 |
MM 64.5 |
Effect of lattice misift on the deformation behaviour of two-phase lamellar TiAl alloys — •Ashish Chauniyal and Rebecca Janisch
18:45 |
MM 64.6 |
Mechanical property gradients of spider attachment hairs — •Silja Flenner, Clemens Schaber, Imke Greving, Igor Krasnov, Manfred Burghammer, Martin Rosenthal, Stanislav Gorb, and Martin Müller