Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM 7: Transport - Atoms and Ions II
Montag, 16. März 2020, 11:45–13:00, IFW A
11:45 |
MM 7.1 |
Alloys with continuous concentration gradient: comparing experiments with DFT — •Florian Reiter, Martin Hoffmann, Alberto Marmodoro, Andrei Ionut Mardare, Cezarina Cela Mardare, Saeedeh Sadet Ravandi, Achim Walter Hassel, and Arthur Ernst
12:00 |
MM 7.2 |
Influence of high current densities on nanocrystalline FeC thin films — •Thomas Brede, Reiner Kirchheim, and Cynthia Volkert
12:15 |
MM 7.3 |
Anharmonic self-diffusion coefficients using the finite temperature string method — •Raynol Dsouza, Liam Huber, Blazej Grabowski, and Jörg Neugebauer
12:30 |
MM 7.4 |
Atomistic spin-dynamics simulation of self-diffusion in bcc Fe — •Sergei Starikov, Matous Mrovec, and Ralf Drautz
12:45 |
MM 7.5 |
Autonomous Calculation Of Defect Transport Tensors — •Thomas Swinburne and Danny Perez