10:30 |
O 100.1 |
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on Be(0001) — •Hermann Osterhage, Roland Wiesendanger, and Stefan Krause
10:45 |
O 100.2 |
Measuring the scattering phase shifts of single non-magnetic impurity atoms buried in Cu by STM — •Thomas Kotzott, Mohammed Bouhassoune, Henning Prüser, Samir Lounis, and Martin Wenderoth
11:00 |
O 100.3 |
Observation of anisotropic vortices on clean superconducting Nb(110) — •Felix Friedrich, Artem B. Odobesko, Robin Boshuis, Stefan Wilfert, and Matthias Bode
11:15 |
O 100.4 |
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Sub-Surface Atomic Structure of the Phase Change Material GeSb2Te4 Enabled via Surface Antiresonances — •Philipp Küppers, Peter Schmitz, Marcus Liebmann, Albert Ratajczak, Hilde Hardtdegen, Detlev Grützmacher, Riccardo Mazzarello, and Markus Morgenstern
11:30 |
O 100.5 |
Layer thickness dependence of the electronic correlation in the surface alloy CeAgx on Ag(111) — •Katharina Kissner, Hendrik Bostelmann-Arp, and Friedrich T. Reinert
11:45 |
O 100.6 |
Multiple scattering x-ray photoelectron diffraction study on the Ni-doped SrTiO3 (100) films — •Fatima Alarab, Sylvain Tricot, Berengar Leikert, Matthias Muntwiler, Karol Hricovini, Didier Sébilleau, and Ján Minár
12:00 |
O 100.7 |
In operando angle-resolved photoemission on a graphene device — •Davide Curcio, Alfred Jones, Jyoti Katoch, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Ryan Muzzio, Charlotte E. Sanders, Pavel Dudin, Cephise Cacho, Jill A. Miwa, Søren Ulstrup, and Philip Hofmann
12:15 |
O 100.8 |
Spectroscopic evidence for a charge-density wave in monoclinic TaTe2 — •Sanjoy K Mahatha, Florian Diekmann, Sebastian Rohlf, Matthias Kalläne, and Kai Rossnagel
12:30 |
O 100.9 |
Investigation of strong correlation and topological phase in Thulium monochalcogenides TmSe1−xTex — •Simon Müller, Chul-Hee Min, Celso Fornari, Chang-Jong Kang, Byung Il Min, Yong Seung Kwon, and Friedrich Reinert
12:45 |
O 100.10 |
Understanding chemical constrast in field ion microscopy — •Christoph Freysoldt, Shyam Katnagallu, Baptiste Gault, Michael Ashton, and Jörg Neugebauer