10:30 |
O 103.1 |
Zero Energy Bound States in the Proximity Induced Topological Superconductor System Bi2Te3 on Nb(110) — •Felix Kuester, Yunyi Zhang, Matthew Gilbert, Paolo Sessi, and Stuart Parkin
10:45 |
O 103.2 |
Electronic and magnetic structure of the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator system (Bi2Te3)n(MnBi2Te4) (n=0,1) — •Thiago R. F. Peixoto, Raphael C. Vidal, Alexander Zeugner, Simon Moser, Michael Ruck, Bernd Büchner, Anna Isaeva, Hendrik Bentmann, and Friedrich Reinert
11:00 |
O 103.3 |
Room temperature in-situ measurement of the spin voltage of a BiSbTe3 thin film — •Arthur Leis, Michael Schleenvoigt, Abdur Rehman Jalil, Vasily Cherepanov, Gregor Mussler, Detlev Grützmacher, F. Stefan Tautz, and Bert Voigtländer
11:15 |
O 103.4 |
Mid-infrared-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy on the topological insulator (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 — •Chris Reinhoffer, Andrea Bliesener, Gertjan Lippertz, Semyon Germanskiy, Yu Mukai, Yoichi Ando, Zhe Wang, and Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht
11:30 |
O 103.5 |
Photoelectron spectroscopy on the transition metal doped topological insulator V:(Bi,Sb)2Te3. — •Philipp Kagerer, Thiago R. F. Peixoto, Raphael Crespo Vidal, Sonja Schatz, Martin Winnerlein, Steffen Schreyeck, Celso I. Fornari, Katharina Kißner, Charles Gould, Karl Brunner, Laurens W. Molenkamp, Hendrik Bentmann, and Friedrich Reinert
11:45 |
O 103.6 |
Core level and valence band dynamics of Bi2Se3 — •Michael Heber, Kevin Kühlmann, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Federico Pressacco, Nils Wind, Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Yves Acremann, Philip Hofmann, Kai Rossnagel, and Wilfried Wurth
12:00 |
O 103.7 |
Electronic structure of antimonene layers on Bi2Se3: insight from ab-initio calculations — •Kris Holtgrewe, Conor Hogan, and Simone Sanna
12:15 |
O 103.8 |
Surface and bulk electronic structure of the 3D topological insulator HgTe(001) — •Raphael Crespo Vidal, Julia Issing, Lukas Lunczer, Giovanni Marini, Lena Fürst, Simon Moser, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Domenico Di Sante, Hartmut Buhmann, Gianni Profeta, Laurens W. Molenkamp, Hendrik Bentmann, and Friedrich Reinert
12:30 |
O 103.9 |
Unveiling the complex band structure of the potential non-symmorphic topological insulator TaNiTe2 — •Tim Figgemeier, Jennifer Neu, Simon Moser, Johannes Hessdörfer, David J. Singh, Theo M. Siegrist, Hendrik Bentmann, and Friedrich Reinert
12:45 |
O 103.10 |
Drumhead surface state in ZrSiTe probed by scanning tunneling microscopy — •Brandon Stuart, Seokhwan Choi, Jisun Kim, Mohamed Oudah, Raquel Queiroz, Lukas Muechler, Leslie Schoop, Douglas Bonn, and Sarah Burke
13:00 |
O 103.11 |
Fully radial spin texture in the chiral crystal of Te — Gianmarco Gatti, Daniel Gosálbez-Martinez, Michele Puppin, Serhii Polishchuk, Philippe Bugnon, Ivana Vobornik, Oleg Yazyev, Marco Grioni, and •Alberto Crepaldi