Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 105: Scanning Probe Techniques II: Method Development (joint session O/CPP)
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 10:30–12:45, WIL C107
10:30 |
O 105.1 |
Identifying the atomic configuration of the tip apex using STM and FM-AFM with CO on Pt(111) — •Oliver Gretz, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz. J. Giessibl
10:45 |
O 105.2 |
Atomic Force Microscopy study of the complex surface unit cell of CaF2(111) with a CO-terminated tip — •Alexander Liebig, Prokop Hapala, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl
11:00 |
O 105.3 |
Tip induced configuration change of a CO molecule on a copper surface — •Norio Okabayashi, Thomas Frederiksen, and Franz J. Giessibl
11:15 |
O 105.4 |
Nonequilibrium Bond Forces in Single-Molecule Junctions — Jonathan Brand, Susanne Leitherer, Nick R. Papior, •Nicolas Néel, Yong Lei, Mads Brandbyge, and Jörg Kröger
11:30 |
O 105.5 |
Electrostatic Force Separation in Electrochemical Strain Microscopy — •Sebastian Badur, Diemo Renz, Thomas Göddenhenrich, Bernhard Roling, and André Schirmeisen
11:45 |
O 105.6 |
Sensing with an ultra-sensitive cantilever — •Marc-Dominik Krass, Urs Grob, Raphael Pachlatko, Alexander Eichler, and Christian Degen
12:00 |
O 105.7 |
Coupling broadband single-cycle THz pulses from a spintronic emitter to an STM junction — •Melanie Müller, Natalia Martín Sabanés, Sarojini Mahajan, and Martin Wolf
12:15 |
O 105.8 |
Single Asperity Sliding Friction across the Superconducting Phase Transition — Wen Wang, •Dirk Dietzel, and Andre Schirmeisen
12:30 |
O 105.9 |
Non-contact heat transfer between metallic surfaces — •Paul Philip Schmidt and Carsten Henkel