Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 111: Nanostructured Surfaces and Thin Films II: 1D and 2D Systems (joint session O/CPP)
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:00–17:15, WIL B321
15:00 |
O 111.1 |
Edges in group-IV monochalcogenides: stability and electronic properties — •Mahdi Ghorbani-Asl and Arkady V. Krasheninnikov
15:15 |
O 111.2 |
MoS2 monolayers under cluster ion irradiation: a molecular dynamics study — •Sadegh Ghaderzadeh, Vladimir Ladygin, Mahdi Ghorbani-Asl, and Arkady V. Krasheninnikov
15:30 |
O 111.3 |
One-dimensional molecular chains of Quinacridone on Ag(100) and Cu(111): STM- and SPA-LEED-investigations — •Niklas Humberg, Rémi Bretel, Alexander Eslam, and Moritz Sokolowski
15:45 |
O 111.4 |
Fabrication of highly regular Moth-Eye inspired Nanostructures to generate Anti-Reflective Surfaces — •Louise Kaeswurm, Zhaolu Diao, Johannes Hirte, Klaus Weishaupt, and Joachim Spatz
16:00 |
O 111.5 |
Length dependent symmetry in narrow chevron-like graphene nanoribbons — •Koen Houtsma, Mihaela Enache, Remco Havenith, and Meike Stöhr
16:15 |
O 111.6 |
Chirality transfer to supported metal particles and within organic dye films — •Natalie Fehn, Alexander von Weber, Matthias Jakob, Philip Stanley, Aras Kartouzian, and Ueli Heiz
16:30 |
O 111.7 |
Enhanced efficiency of graphene-silicon Schottky junction solar cell through inverted pyramid arrays texturation — •Jiajia Qiu, Huaping Zhao, Long Liu, Wenhui Ma, and Yong Lei
16:45 |
O 111.8 |
Spatial Extent of Surface Photovoltage in the Vicinity of Individual Plasmon Excited Nanoparticles — •Katharina Engster, Kevin Oldenburg, Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, Sylvia Speller, and Ingo Barke
17:00 |
O 111.9 |
Supramolecular nanopatterns of arylenes and arylene-alkynylenes: Addressing the third dimension — Georgiy Poluektov, Tristan J. Keller, Joshua Bahr, David A. Hofmeister, Anna Krönert, Anna Jochemich, Dirk Laux, Daniel Kalle, Sebastian Henzel, Steven Becker, •Stefan-Sven Jester, and Sigurd Höger